import 4.code.about;

class Header {

public void title() {

String fullTitle = '/vm/';

public void menu();

public void board();

public void goToBottom();

class Thread extends Board {
public void /dadg/ - Dark and Darker General(OP Anonymous) {

String fullTitle = '/dadg/ - Dark and Darker General';
int postNumber = 1215232;
String image = '1710933346708937.gif';
String date = '03/20/24(Wed)07:15:46';
String comment = 'Interaction Speed edition

Game info:
>Dungeons and Dragons-esque PvPvE extraction looter
>Can play in trios, duos, and solos

Playable classes:
>Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Bard, Warlock, Druid (releasing soon)

Three areas to explore:
>The Ruins of Forgotten Castle (three maps of progressing difficulty)
>The Goblin Caves (one map)
>Frost Mountains (one of three maps released, WIP)

Playable races:
>Human, Elf, Orc, Skeleton, Lizard (the difference between races is a miniscule attribute difference, races are buyable through shards; a currency earned or bought)
(more races to come)

Beginner tips:
>This game is not forgiving, you will die a lot at the beginning and when you get better you will die even more
>You don't have to take every fight; sheath (X) weapons to run faster
>Moving only backwards (S) is slower than forward or strafe movement (W/A/D)
>Fighter is good for learning the ropes as a solo player (tip: use the Sprint & Second Wind skills)
>There are static exits (look at your map) and randomly spawning portals you can activate to escape the dungeon
>The game is in Early Access, so it is constantly changing and receiving new (often weekly) updates that significantly impact the core gameplay


Ryan6DaysAWeek has an entire catalog of guides for game mechanics, bosses, and clearing PvE:

Recent news:
>US lawsuit dismissed
>Available in Korea now (case is still ongoing, however)
>Experimental High Roller ranking system (Neophyte --> Demigod); higher rank = more rewards
>5x5 Goblin Caves map
>Ice Caverns map
>New Artifacts (i.e., named weapons with unique abilities)
>New Marketplace where players can list items for sale

Official Dark and Darker discord (see Announcements for all hotfix/patch notes):

>>1179862 died to Dark Swarm'

public void comments() {
if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1215235 && dateTime=='03/20/24(Wed)07:18:34'  && image=='30% off.png') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1215585 && dateTime=='03/20/24(Wed)11:05:45'  && image=='gob caves.png') {

'these new AP fees are getting out of hand';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1215640 && dateTime=='03/20/24(Wed)11:44:30') {

What are the new ranked rewards?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1216229 && dateTime=='03/20/24(Wed)17:26:50'  && image=='we don't know yet.png') { }

if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1216336 && dateTime=='03/20/24(Wed)19:37:20') {

for reference Ruins --> Crypts --> Inferno AP cost at Demigod was 700
unless they changed something about the system Demigod this season will be impossible for 99.9% of the playerbase'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1216353 && dateTime=='03/20/24(Wed)19:52:35') {

They did say they were rebalancing it particularly to make it so pvp is actually good for AP. Wouldnt be shocked if they massively over correct and the only realistic way to gain AP at later levels is to get a ton of pvp kills. They may also tone down the buy in cost keeping it there to hopfully keep no lifes from becoming demigod week 1. Guess we will find out friday.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1216432 && dateTime=='03/20/24(Wed)21:09:20') {

pretty sure at the end of last wipe 1 kill was 99? AP. so that was already good, no clue how this will be if you're hitting demi fees at Voyager I. Either way, if there's no solo ice caves I won't even play leaderboards this time around. this might be my out to stop pouring so much time into this game so its a good thing'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1216437 && dateTime=='03/20/24(Wed)21:10:24') {

Ive been doing some solo ice caverns and honestly so long as you avoid the loot pile its over 50% odds you dont even see anyone.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1216440 && dateTime=='03/20/24(Wed)21:13:01') {

That isn't what I want to do though, I want to push it and I want to rank but not on duos as a solo.

It's just not in the cards until its officially solos again'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1216442 && dateTime=='03/20/24(Wed)21:15:33') {

I understand. Honestly the map lock by players thing is the worst part of this patch and its criminally under complained about. Though I guess most of the player base doesnt care since they either get their arena "light" or the full pve experience in the crypts/hell.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1216627 && dateTime=='03/21/24(Thu)00:32:34'  && image=='shrill.webm') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1216653 && dateTime=='03/21/24(Thu)01:40:35') {

>shrill has 100% scaling


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1216660 && dateTime=='03/21/24(Thu)02:04:10'  && image=='file.png') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1216892 && dateTime=='03/21/24(Thu)09:08:32') {

this but the opposite'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1217051 && dateTime=='03/21/24(Thu)10:59:59') {

'My God wizard sucks in normals now, a warlock or barbarian with their mr perks are just unkillable in base gear';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1217060 && dateTime=='03/21/24(Thu)11:10:28') {

>we dont know yet
More like we haven't coded this thing even in cause we are lazy fucks that don't fucking actively code this game'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1217061 && dateTime=='03/21/24(Thu)11:11:30') {

>playing great music
>its actually shit music
What did devs mean by this?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1217203 && dateTime=='03/21/24(Thu)12:24:51') {

>Playable races:
>Human, Long Haired Human, Nigger, Skeleton, Iksar (the difference between races is a miniscule attribute difference, races are buyable through shards; a currency earned or bought)'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1217307 && dateTime=='03/21/24(Thu)13:20:47') {

'>Attack Warlock
>HP bar simply evaporates with zero counterplay
Well that's cool'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1218294 && dateTime=='03/21/24(Thu)22:24:19') {

it only does like 30 damage bro'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1218336 && dateTime=='03/21/24(Thu)23:44:36') {

>zero counterplay
your opening needs to be a ranged attack, then ape, gg'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1218402 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)01:35:54') {

'>Warlock kills himself with his stupid spells
>I dont get credit for the kill
Ya fuck you warlock nigger. Cant even technically kill them as they have a last fuck you. Fuck these guys.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1218699 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)09:17:48'  && image=='1681469620536377.webm') {

'>boc lockberd
if you're a warlock and a see a wizard with a staff, don't do this - open with your spells first'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1218702 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)09:18:41') {

assuming you have either one displayed and have spells'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1218760 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)09:39:14') {

it also applies any additional/true phys damage you have
if you're stacking those rolls it's a much better option than Din of Darkness, especially now that you don't really need to preemptively check for rogues
can I see your stats on that build?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1218778 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)09:45:17') {

nothing special
around 130hp (+6hp on staff) with ~30 will and a lowly ~49% magic bonus. I might've had +5-6 add magic'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1218795 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)09:51:14') {

How about Knowledge? That's actually the most important to me.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1218800 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)09:52:44') {

I'm pretty sure it was sub 30, I prioritize bonk so knowledge isn't as much an issue to me.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1218836 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)10:06:24') {

Considering how prevalent casters are this season I have to start running Song of Silence on my bard, shit is getting out of hand. Btw are you an EU player?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1218838 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)10:08:09') {

I'm NA. I've been killed once by SoS and I didn't expect it so that's pretty smart. When in doubt just hug a corner/pillar and kite out spells and if the wizard has a staff use your ranged attacks.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1218860 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)10:19:18') {

Yeah I know the counterplay, my problem is mostly that I have very little room for error due to low magic resist and not much health. The reason I ask about Knowledge is because Song of Silence can be a self-grief if the wiz has a lot of Knowledge and can fuck me while I'm trying to cast the song. Ignite tank wizards shouldn't be an issue in that case though.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1218874 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)10:30:17') {

what is bis to you? can you not spare a roll on some of your gear for Max HP+'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1218972 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)11:54:38') {

My current build has 113 before buffs, but magic damage still shreds it since I spec into move speed and true damage primarily. I try to fit max HP on my headgear since I don't need specific stats there. Chests and legs need mandatory +2 All so getting health on top of that would put those items at 1000g or more on the marketplace, and I don't like spending all my gold on super BIS. Same with gloves that have +2 true, additional health rolls make them hundreds if not thousands of gold. If you're solo it's better to have multiple good kits than one phenomenal kit, because you will inevitably die to something out of your control regardless of gear.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1219104 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)13:33:11'  && image=='1689425888366990.webm') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1219876 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)18:50:15') {

'Stopped playing in Nov/Dec before they added map rotation because my buddy stopped, and playing solo goblin caves sucks absolute shit. I got that free 10 day trial code so I'm trying to convince another friend to pally with me. How has the game been this wipe so far?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1219877 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)18:52:25') {

The usual tons of people moaning and complaing about this or that so 100% your gonna hate something about it. I quite enjoy it right now. Biggest issue this second is maps are locked to players which sucks. Meta is some combination of spellcasters are strong and melee users are stacking to like 80% PDR.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1219896 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)19:12:20') {

>Biggest issue this second is maps are locked to players which sucks
I stopped playing before that feature was added, so it doesn't really concern me much. Rogue having some of his abilities combined sounds nice, but the patch note of adding a shimmer to his stealth is worrying. Is it like when they added the after image to Wiz's invis?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1219957 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)20:01:16') {

You literally make a sound when you use Hide, and when you move it's super visible. The meta for rogue right now is Rupture, Cut Throat, and the Creep perk which silences your footsteps entirely. Add a hand crossbow to the mix and you're set.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1219966 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)20:10:16') {

Ya as the other guy said rogue is basically just weaker knight. Heck depending on how you look at it hes just weaker ranger.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1219971 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)20:14:55') {

>weaker knight'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1220042 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)21:27:03'  && image=='file.png') {

'what do you think of my new build guys?


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1220049 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)21:39:47') {

'The new AP system is severely punishing in the higher end, you fall back like 1-4 games if you die once.

new meme
>solo caves
>some high rank is bossing because they have to
>they go down into hoard room
>magic lock the stone doors
>just sit and repeat casting and grief them into dying in swarm with you
>hear them plead with you they can't lose ap
>just keep locking the door'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1220058 && dateTime=='03/22/24(Fri)21:55:14') {

>it's super visible
Don't like that that at all, what's the point of hiding if you're not actually hidden? I was always more of the loot goblin "oh shit, run away" Rogue instead of running gigamaxx damage Rogue anyway. I like the idea of cut throat getting more play, but not because the other options got nerfed

Based Wizard doing Wizard shit. Does it unlock chests too, or only lock things?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1220141 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)00:09:24'  && image=='solved matchup.webm') {

It sucks I have to give up Allegro but being able to shut down gay magic shit is more than worth the temporary action speed.
I'm 344 move speed with Accelerando and the Lute out, btw :^)

Built for kiting
You sure Magic Lock works on the boss door? I can't open it with Unchained Harmony even if I've killed the boss, so it might have some weird properties that make it immune to magic.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1220176 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)00:41:30') {

I did this and it was disgusting
the guy refused to drop his loot for me and just tried to kill me when I opened the door
jokes on him we both died
all he had to do was co-operate and loot the pile for me'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1220516 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)09:18:51') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1220527 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)09:26:34'  && image=='1688674520522571.png') {

just tried it, its possible.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1220762 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)12:18:28'  && image=='1620683199983.png') {

'Downloading it now, do I try ranger or cleric first?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1220835 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)12:49:10') {

Ranger will not teach you fundamentals so Cleric is probably a better choice'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1220837 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)12:50:30') {

thank you for checking and posting'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1220840 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)12:50:55') {

I have also taken interest in this game, how is the melee combat compared to chivalry 2?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1220882 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)13:02:59') {

Feels like the fundamentals are - other people are faster and just kill me at range instantly. bleh.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1220914 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)13:18:17') {

Ranger requires a lot of game knowledge and skill to be effective. #2 on solo leaderboards last season was a Ranger (, if you really like the class consider studying what he does
If you want an easy life just play Cleric or Fighter, that shit is brainless for a new player.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1220965 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)13:35:06') {

I mean I just played a few rounds so far, but it feels very slow and clunky, in an intended way. maybe someone whos more experience can help you out ...'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1221357 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)15:28:04') {

If you liked and were good at Chivalry 2, then honestly your best bet is to just kill yourself immediately. Every dumb nigger that takes part in the autism that killed those games needs to be kept as far away as possible from this.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1221574 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)17:03:07') {

Pretty piss poor in comparison, but it scratches a similar itch.

What's with the hate on Chiv?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1221751 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)18:16:00'  && image=='barb.webm') {

>melee combat'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1221910 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)20:33:03') {

'What if I just want to troll and put traps everywhere? Will I get some laughs at least?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1221915 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)20:37:50') {

Traps are expensive, and there are better ways to troll atm >>1220049'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1221950 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)21:16:40') {

'I love Warlock+Barb caves so much';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1221975 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)21:42:22') {

>t. Neophyte'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1222099 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)00:43:07') {

me too
t. barb'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1222146 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)02:17:51') {

'does dark reflection actually go on cooldown if you hit with ranged first?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1222147 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)02:19:24') {

I believe so.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1222270 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)07:25:20') {

>What's with the hate on Chiv?

> First-person melee combat game players:
"Chivalry 2 is fun!"

> also Chivalry 2 players:

Oh... Look at that...'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1222671 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)12:06:49') {

>Why the hate on Chivalry players

If you've played Chivalry, Chivalry 2, or Mordhau, then you know exactly why the hate exists. They are the sweatiest, niggeriest cunts on the entire planet. Anything that you put infront of them, they will pour over and start vomiting out optimization strats for until every possible ounce of fun is wrung out of it, and all that's left is a tangled mess of perfectly optimal options in a given scenario, and your only options to actually play the game at that point are either to spend 3k hours learning every single one of them so thoroughly that they become as breathing to you, or to just not play. They are the people that produce and consume the "How to get broken OP in [Game]" videos, they are the people that watch RyanSixDaysAWeek. They are a cancer. They are the inevitable death of fun through autism.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1223120 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)14:18:07') {

ryan doesn't tell people PVP tech tho'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1223221 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)14:52:15') {

No, he just hands the keys on how to farm high-tier gear over to them, so that they can get infinite high-end gear.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1223265 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)15:17:41') {

Neophyte delusions. I wish people were wearing high-end gear because 9/10 players I kill have nothing worth keeping let alone selling on the market. Most people in this game don't even know how to properly make a kit for their class, nor even understand what stats/enchantments to acquire.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1223269 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)15:19:37') {

I wouldn't use a guide if the bosses were fun to learn
I never use guides for any other game'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1223529 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)16:54:15'  && image=='1691610569409344.png') {

'pulled it on the test server, funnily enough.

first Golden Chest on test servers?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1223552 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)17:02:59') {

'>play rogue
>play barb
>play bard
>play wizard
>play cleric
maybe all the complainers are just shitters'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1223565 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)17:06:20') {

the game crashed just as I extracted too'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1223584 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)17:14:36') {

what is the test server testing rn?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1223587 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)17:15:19') {

nothing, its just empty servers so you can basically get free practice without anybody else in your lobby.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1223652 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)18:15:46'  && image=='chiv2hours.png') {

>noooo you can't just confuse your opponents with your movements because you can't ok!!??
Sounds like a skill issue and you need to git gud to me. I would be curious as to how the lizard spin looks from the opponent's POV though. DaD's combat is barebones and has no way for a majority of the classes to even block incoming attacks. Shit, the shields barely block attacks at times. I WISH DaD played more like Chiv 2

>They are the sweatiest, niggeriest cunts on the entire planet.
That's true, trying to fight some of those high level players in Chiv can be ass, but it feels more skill based compared to DaD's gear stat dependency. I hate how DaD attracted a ton of sweatlords who turned it into a fucking deathmatch game instead of a dungeon crawler'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1223654 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)18:16:27'  && image=='1708763522316309.png') {

'See you virgins later.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1223777 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)19:50:59') {

'my team mates are retards';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1223903 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)22:41:52'  && image=='1695743353071952.png') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1223921 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)23:07:46') {

your fault for playing with randoms, this is why I only play solo
maybe one day /dadg/ can assemble a god squad'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1224003 && dateTime=='03/25/24(Mon)00:40:01') {

I mean we could just make a discord for it'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1224133 && dateTime=='03/25/24(Mon)04:22:32') {

'I got 1 shoted by a fuckin warlock in normals as wizard. With a fuckin kris dagger. No dark reflection or whatever the fucker just chunked me for like 85 damage. The fuck.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1224224 && dateTime=='03/25/24(Mon)08:39:08') {

be the change
make the cord'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1224235 && dateTime=='03/25/24(Mon)09:09:19'  && image=='1541347638671.jpg') {

Not him but I decided to set up a VERY basic discord channel for any of you morons to join and look for parties and the like. I seriously doubt theres that many players here but it exists. Dont go doing any shit that makes me have to do any work with this thing.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1224241 && dateTime=='03/25/24(Mon)09:32:33') {

Ah they changed it so links arent default forever. Heres the forever link. Whatever I only use the damn thing to talk to like two friends.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1224326 && dateTime=='03/25/24(Mon)12:05:32'  && image=='1692491557191776.png') {

'>+930 AP
>-600 fee at Voyager I
>1,530 AP total
this was with virtually a full inventory of treasures and killing several sub bosses on ice caves. You basically have to get an inventory of high quality treasures and grind PvE/interactions if you don't want to PvP but still rank. Which means you can't extract gear at the higher end unless your treasures are all single slot purples or something'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1224374 && dateTime=='03/25/24(Mon)12:38:59'  && image=='BoC.webm') {

Yep. Stow your weapon and run away, or use ranged if you have the speed. It's actually one of the easiest things on Warlock to counter imho. Also in normals you should take your clothes off and run only boots and gloves, maybe a hat if it has stats, since you have to kite for your kills (and need as much speed as possible).
I joined!
For those of you who want teammates that have more than two brain cells and don't want to play with normies on the main discord this is your best bet to organize and raid. I'm down to do some bardening with anyone here, on US East preferably. Projectiles get screwed the worst by ping...'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1224432 && dateTime=='03/25/24(Mon)13:39:30') {

>He thinks he earned 1,530
No man I'm sorry, you only got 330 from that'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1224433 && dateTime=='03/25/24(Mon)13:42:08') {

u r gud at math'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1224459 && dateTime=='03/25/24(Mon)14:33:47'  && image=='1680249260165508.png') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1224460 && dateTime=='03/25/24(Mon)14:36:56') {

woah... the strongest class in the game... is at a high rank...'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1224471 && dateTime=='03/25/24(Mon)14:52:01') {

'Goblin Caves is literally just a battle royale right now. Holy fuck they killed this map.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1224624 && dateTime=='03/25/24(Mon)17:42:09') {

'>Ice Caverns mobs damage zones on attacks are still completely desynced from the animations


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1224820 && dateTime=='03/25/24(Mon)21:17:37') {

'longsword is overpowered
you can parry any hit if you know how'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1225023 && dateTime=='03/26/24(Tue)02:03:24') {

Always was'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1225328 && dateTime=='03/26/24(Tue)12:23:53'  && image=='1688820968036996.webm') {

'nearly thought it was over';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1225631 && dateTime=='03/26/24(Tue)18:47:41'  && image=='1687741453934442.png') {

'its over';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1225644 && dateTime=='03/26/24(Tue)19:08:55') {

dodging is overpowered
you can dodge any hit if you know how'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1225969 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)01:42:59'  && image=='the bard who could fly.webm') {

'good morning sisters I hate wizards';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1225979 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)01:58:19') {

'So I really only play wizard but I do wanna multiclass whenever that shit happens. Anyone got any interesting recs on perks/skills that could go on wizard? Ide kinda like some cleric shit since I coop with a friend a good bit but I really just sorta want his heals so do spells transfer or no?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226056 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)05:09:06'  && image=='file.png') {

'I call this a QUAD STACK';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226183 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)09:52:01') {

'the endgame Exemplar I is so punishing
>decide to extract a chest piece and lantern
>had a few green treasures but otherwise rest of inventory was treasure
> -150AP
you need to go all treasure to maximize your AP gain and what's more, you virtually cannot do it without hitting the hoard pile.

The hoard pile is just a generator of wealth and it feels weird having the game revolve around it in order to progress in the game.

Hoard piles should be rare and not something required'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226184 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)09:55:54'  && image=='1710476313024666.png') {

compared to a decent run, everything was treasure save for a token of honor in picrel
endgame to demigod is an average of 200AP/game.

>Ice Caves
>3 minute wait +18mins play = 21m
>4K from Ex I > Demi
>roughly 20 games
>need to survive 7 (Seven) times in a row in order to not lose AP to a single death'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226185 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)09:57:10') {

forgot to add math, its ~7 hours from Ex I to Demi assuming each and every run you hit the hoard pile in full and kill as many sub bosses as possible.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226187 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)09:59:18'  && image=='1696538297685256.png') {

'time to build for luck I guess';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226232 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)10:54:27'  && image=='1706114005962762.png') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226380 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)13:11:22'  && image=='infradark.jpg') {

'lol not even the most basic of client side mods have been fixed a year on

Amateur hour'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226385 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)13:17:49') {

lol, this looks epic'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226395 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)13:29:03') {

Fuckin explains how people sometimes seem to know exactly where im hiding.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226408 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)13:48:07') {

I'd suggest everyone play as if hiding doesn't exist at all.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226527 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)15:35:48') {

show what it looks like when you see somebody else'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226537 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)15:41:56'  && image=='1698748511488890.png') {

'most ap I've extracted thus far';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226570 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)16:07:42'  && image=='ohai.jpg') {

undetected for 1 year'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226583 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)16:14:47') {

*shivers* brings back memories of mandatory potato configs due to a potato pc. 0 regrets however.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226585 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)16:17:44') {

is this something you can toggle or are you playing the game like this'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226586 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)16:19:42'  && image=='1697077488853630.png') {

'good ring from the good pile';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226721 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)18:55:44'  && image=='1701552997197120.png') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226725 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)18:59:33'  && image=='world first.png') {

roughly ~26.6 hours

I wonder if I'll even bother continuing playing this game until arena comes out.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1226860 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)20:59:57'  && image=='habbening.png') {

'please nerf fighter please nerf fighter please nerf fighter';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1227020 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)23:08:29'  && image=='1690707290404543.png') {

'first unique pull from loot pile and its got so many useless rolls, nice mdr though';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1227030 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)23:17:41') {

not gonna happen wiztroon'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1227081 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)00:12:36'  && image=='slam dunk.webm') {

'inb4 rogue nerfs';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1227381 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)08:31:52'  && image=='Screenshot 2024-03-28 083033.png') {

'Heres the changes. Highlights are pretty much all spellcasters are nerfed and levels are being made less insane. Why the chain lightning nerfs? I feel like its more likely to fry the wizards own team over killing a player.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1227416 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)08:49:29') {

'>they finally changed Cleric Holy Strike
idk why they allowed it to be so huge considering how many you get
>they gutted Chain Lightning
the most unique spell in the game now its just regular'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1227418 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)08:50:24') {

yaay more damage i love every fight coming down to whoever gets the first hit in!!!'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1227466 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)10:01:34') {

because spell overload gave you 6, now its not as fun.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1227543 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)11:28:31') {

'>5x5 goblin layout
>It's still 5 players instead of 7?
If they haven't changed the total playercount back yet this might be bis'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1227546 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)11:32:13'  && image=='sniper.webm') {

is this really how people are seeing the headshot change? I think they're trying to add more skill to melee - if you're good at hitting your heads you can overcome gear differentials much easier'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1227548 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)11:35:49') {

I counted at least 9 players before my raid started'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1227638 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)12:08:30') {

Not him but this could get a little nasty potentially. I can already get one hit by a barb and damage can feel very high as it is. 2x might be high enough that one shotting squishy classes becomes a very easy stat to meet. Why does it feel like every change this game has is taken as negatively as possible.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1228003 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)14:23:33') {

They could've achieved that by reducing damage of everything but headshots.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1228012 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)14:25:26'  && image=='file.png') {

'also fucking why would they do this';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1228037 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)14:31:00') {

this is why we have the discord'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1228163 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)15:07:21') {

'I think I'm taking a little break until they roll back this dogshit patch';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1228182 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)15:14:16') {

'Jesus fuckin christ. With spell overload chain lightning only goes up to 3 casts. Its original amount. From 6 to 3. Fuck me man of all the spells chain lightning deserved this?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1228496 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)16:29:24') {

This already happened to DaD by the time EA started.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1228503 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)16:32:13') {

'>5x5 comes back
>somehow I want to play even less
is this game just shit now or am I burnt out?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1228865 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)18:08:04') {

I learned last wipe not to main wizard, with so many sweeping changes/nerfs it's hard to keep up. Shit like barbarians getting a shield and you miss/they block your slow? GG. The fact that shields block hit scan spells baffles me.

Players are retarded too, most of the player base just w keys which is why when I switched to fighter last season demigod was easy, the only class I had issue with was good Rangers.

Also no knock spell for wizard, just fucking make the arcane lock thing unlock/open already locked objects'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1229460 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)20:53:07') {

wasn't in the patch notes but they're testing new player AI apparently, what do we think of this?

>Why does it feel like every change this game has is taken as negatively as possible.
people hate change
sdf likes fast TTK according to the recent interview, so might explain why they went high instead of low'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1229491 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)21:11:58') {

it teaches you about the game by making it a mission.

at least it doesn't say you need to escape so you could just die and res your friend, run to another altar then die to leave and repeat.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1229496 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)21:13:11') {

way ahead of you, pretty much stopped playing because no solo ice caves. been playing on the test servers and its been pretty chill, basically a small community version of the same game. so dead you can solo whatever map you want'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1229577 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)22:29:12') {

'What do you build as wizard? Just spam as much magic damage and I guess health/movespeed as you can get?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1229615 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)23:12:57') {

>Magic Power (at least ~50%+) and some* Phys Power, preferably to at least -9%.
>Additional Magic
I run bonk wizard and take Arcane Shield which is why I run Additional Magic rather than true to help with the 50% scaling.
>8 Magic Staff + Additional 16 - 50% scale + 20 shield = 32 True Defense shield
Plus the 100% scaling on the blast which is 8+16+5 Damage blast, 29 free damage within range.

I feel my wizard HP is subpar if I'm not at least 130~ and I must* have Max HP on my staff so I expect at least 135 to consider myself in a good range of HP.
I search Marketplace for Vigor-based gear and filter for HP then search for whatever has Power/HP as additional rolls. bis to me for example would be Epic padded legs with +5-6HP, +3 Power and some other roll like strength or phys power since wiz physical (base white melee damage) is so low.

A decent build for me will headshot bonk +140-150 Damage with ignite, I haven't tested what it is now with the increased headshot multiplier. Move speed doesn't matter much to me lately but if you can get at least 290 you should be fine if your hp is already high enough.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1229699 && dateTime=='03/29/24(Fri)00:43:06') {

No shit. The problem is that I literally can't complete the mission because I only play solo.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1229701 && dateTime=='03/29/24(Fri)00:44:23') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1229714 && dateTime=='03/29/24(Fri)00:56:24') {

'Well things were fun but now it's dead as hell.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1229943 && dateTime=='03/29/24(Fri)07:38:58') {

Good build for Ranger and Wizard? I feel like what ever i do, they play like ass. I die instantly and i need about 22 arrows / 12 fireballs till they reach 50% hp'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1229954 && dateTime=='03/29/24(Fri)07:58:25') {

Or Barbar?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1230042 && dateTime=='03/29/24(Fri)09:48:59') {

if you're fighting with ranged damage you need to build items that have move speed, damage, and possibly health'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1230579 && dateTime=='03/29/24(Fri)13:50:12') { }

if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1230787 && dateTime=='03/29/24(Fri)14:30:21') {

'Was it really necessary to buff warlock and then completely gut Bard? I get nerfing accelerando, but the Lament and Rapier Mastery was what made them viable in solos. Why even touch those? At this point, I don't even want multiclassing if this is the type of balancing they do because imagine how shit it'll be.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1230901 && dateTime=='03/29/24(Fri)15:04:21') {

'what are some good duo/trio comps these days? last time I played was the first two wipes after the lawsuit shit.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1231566 && dateTime=='03/29/24(Fri)17:34:01') {

Arent warlocks like ultra degen right now? Why buff em?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1231991 && dateTime=='03/29/24(Fri)20:59:51') {

devs are retarded
they nerf barb again when he has not been meta for ages
they buff warlock who is currently terrorizing every solo lobby'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1232097 && dateTime=='03/29/24(Fri)22:59:39'  && image=='1681104091223962.png') {

'marvelous chest/hoard pile spotted in Channel 5 video';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1232124 && dateTime=='03/29/24(Fri)23:22:23') {

'Need classic playtest 3 servers';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1232148 && dateTime=='03/29/24(Fri)23:57:50') {

'Need playtest 5 servers and the guys I played with from those days
Lysithea and HereComesAFighter you will be missed'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1232172 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)01:02:29'  && image=='1711569259720289.gif') {

if there are any whales on /dadg/ who want a giga BIS great helm it's up on the market for 3499g :^)

might be time to make a Ranger so I can crossbreed the perfect Bard/Ranger kite demon
also yeah unfortunately Bard is very different in trios and solos so they're always going to be a mess to balance unless the devs separate all buffs into group and self buffs individually'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1233051 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)14:38:49'  && image=='1699035293904356.png') {

'feels good
also weird how this recurve sold when I have a purple recurve with the same base damage and more add weapon/phys for cheaper.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1234992 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)20:58:36') {

'Anyone wanna do HR or norms haha';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235005 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)21:05:37') {

Thats what the discord I spent seconds setting up is for.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235049 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)21:30:33') {

I would but I'm too busy grinding solo demigod'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235103 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)22:06:01') {

umm discord tags????? I just want to be a cleric and earthquake spam nigger fighters'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235108 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)22:08:34') {

earthquake might stop their sprint but they'll still just shoot you with a bow or crossbow, why the fuck that class is still overtuned and getting buffs all these months later is beyond my comprehension'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235121 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)22:13:40') {

You can earthquake behind corners easily, been doing this with my ranger friend in ice cave duos and winning nonstop. My only weakness is naked crossbow users kiting my slow ass unless I build all movespeed gear'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235124 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)22:16:14') {

'>Ruins HR mode
>unable to use ranged weapons
games fixed'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235129 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)22:18:52') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235161 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)22:37:41') {

>Afk sits at range taking potshots at each other for 10 minutes until someone gets bored and walks away due to no meds'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235186 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)22:50:36') {

I'd rather have that than turn a corner and have a Fighter press a button to instantly outrun me and then two tap me in 1 second with their stacked damage/action speed perks.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235187 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)22:52:05') {

just use a shield nigga haha, just block!!!!'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235192 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)22:55:48') {

'never chatting in the discord again, these people are dumb.
>post about how adventure tunics are shittier versions of oracle/vestments
>some discord janny keeps replying its amazing
>its literally only 3 more hp at a fucking unique when you can just BUY a +6hp oracle/vestment'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235235 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)23:31:47'  && image=='1693464912202563.png') {

'If you're a wizard and for whatever reason run an adventure tunic, stop and read this';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235237 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)23:33:47'  && image=='1692531278153685.png') {

a slightly polished version'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235262 && dateTime=='03/30/24(Sat)23:52:32') {

'post names for invite';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235270 && dateTime=='03/31/24(Sun)00:01:14') {

really this is mainly to compare tunic with vestments since its the only one with will.
Give both chests +2 All and +6 Magic Power, give Vestments +6 HP / Tunic +6% Magic Damage Bonus and you still get the extra benefit base rolls that tunic doesn't have.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235271 && dateTime=='03/31/24(Sun)00:04:10') {

'remove weapon damage
remove +all
add more bloat stats with gimmicks instead of making random named weapons you'll never use have them'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235299 && dateTime=='03/31/24(Sun)00:57:31'  && image=='LET ME LIFE DRAAAAAAAAAIN.webm') {

this but unironically, everyone just stacks all attributes and additional/true damage, gear is so lame right now'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235310 && dateTime=='03/31/24(Sun)01:23:49') {

'AP was a mistake';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235334 && dateTime=='03/31/24(Sun)02:19:40') {

'How decent is wizard just running in HR with random crap I find in normals and lying around in HR? Is he a class that desperately needs decent gear?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1235724 && dateTime=='03/31/24(Sun)12:43:38') {

'Bros what are the devs actually smoking with buffing warlock more? I been a shill since PT3 but them still not nerfing warlock is retarded, almost all my games half the lobby is warlocks now. Great in melee, great in ranged, amazing survivability';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1236169 && dateTime=='03/31/24(Sun)14:55:45'  && image=='sniff.gif') {

'>play 3s high roller
>Get raped due to retarded team
>Play solo in 3s
>Get away with 1k in loot with no issue
Why even play with a team at this point if they are rolling all +all stat shit'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1237308 && dateTime=='03/31/24(Sun)18:03:13'  && image=='file.png') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1237599 && dateTime=='03/31/24(Sun)20:52:53'  && image=='1686231538509642.png') { }

if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1237626 && dateTime=='03/31/24(Sun)21:13:55') {

decent enough if you get at least a book or staff and some amount of hp.
>do you need decent gear
My gear last wipe was on average 75% blue items and 25% purple. you can do a lot with just blue items tho'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1237938 && dateTime=='04/01/24(Mon)02:19:28') {

'Which class would be more rewarding to nolife and autistically master, fighter or wizard?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1238006 && dateTime=='04/01/24(Mon)03:56:56') {

'Anybody got any tips for leveling a Wizard? I'm getting bitched on by people with several stacks of throwables in normals right now.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1238017 && dateTime=='04/01/24(Mon)04:20:12') {

I think leveling strat right now is HR ice caverns. Dont even think about pvp if your goal is EXP and that means mob killing. Also feel free to go to crypts as well. If mobs are just too much for you go normal. You want to bring the crystal sword and spells along with meditate. Use magic missle for your main mob killing. Ice bolt and invis are also very important. Go around killing every fuckin mob you see maybe grab a few chests. If you go crypt make sure you go hell and kill the mini bosses there as well. If players show up either book it as fast as you can, accept your death, or something be chad enough to beat partys of geared players as naked wizard. And again dont forget goal is XP and mob killing making money and maybe winning a pvp fight is a happy accident not the goal. This will take awhile no matter what cause they made the grind longer.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1238044 && dateTime=='04/01/24(Mon)04:58:30') {

'how come no girls play this game?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1238050 && dateTime=='04/01/24(Mon)05:02:03') {

I do and there's a streamer named katie who plays it all the time'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1238053 && dateTime=='04/01/24(Mon)05:04:36') {

I said girls'


if(Fledgling Investor && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1238063 && dateTime=='04/01/24(Mon)05:13:51') {

'This game is shit but it's sad that the rest of the copies are also shit. How hard is it to make classes that are slightly skill based and not just entirely dependent on gear';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1238335 && dateTime=='04/01/24(Mon)11:40:08'  && image=='1639626800942.jpg') {

'>it's a Druid spams root snare episode
Yea revert the update.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1238714 && dateTime=='04/01/24(Mon)18:06:17') {

there are a few on twitch including a japanese girl. the japanese one is actually a fairly decent warlock, I think they were in the top 30 or so last wipe for solo warlocks'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1238768 && dateTime=='04/01/24(Mon)19:21:11') {

'Normals is the only fun part about this game now, (not a stat check but a skill check)';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1238803 && dateTime=='04/01/24(Mon)20:01:10') {

the vast majority of ironmace's income is now based on people who are banned for cheating/rmt buying a new account. that's why gear power is more and more important every patch and they keep putting +all stat rolls etc in the game even after they remove it at the request of players
if the rmt and cheating ends, ironmace's income ends.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1238829 && dateTime=='04/01/24(Mon)20:20:42') {

I've pretty much given up on this wipe until rotation comes back or free map selection for party sizes.
That or arena, its a snooze fest not being able to play ice caves solo'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1238995 && dateTime=='04/01/24(Mon)23:24:14') {

'Can anyone give me tips for learning how to play wizard? Not like absolute beginner shit but what should I be focusing on if I want to actually be a better player';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1239000 && dateTime=='04/01/24(Mon)23:37:49') {

jump-casting in order to kite, using intense focus, learning to not waste spells'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1239049 && dateTime=='04/02/24(Tue)00:34:29'  && image=='dumpstered.webm') {

>Can anyone give me tips for learning how to play wizard?


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1239212 && dateTime=='04/02/24(Tue)06:17:58'  && image=='file.png') {

'current solos tier list';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1239238 && dateTime=='04/02/24(Tue)06:59:11') {

'>practicing cyclops in normals
>rogue and barb run in to help me
>rogue dies (RIP) but barb and i manage to kill it
>crouch dance and immediately run away
>decide to go to the other side of the map and kill troll as fast as i can
>recently learned that killing both bosses opens up a hidden loot room under the map
>sneek through it back to cyclops room

>bonk the barb on the head with a torch from behind while he's still looting the hoard
>he gets jumpscared and screams on voip
>run away again while laughing
what a good video game'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1239434 && dateTime=='04/02/24(Tue)10:48:52') {

Ugh ehh no? Its also a class check. A class like warlock is a fuckin monster in whites compared to some of his peers. Ya sure your not gonna have some fighter rush you in his 40k gold kit but its also not like there isnt a massive class balance disparity down there as well.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1239510 && dateTime=='04/02/24(Tue)12:04:57') {

Ya, just purely play in comps. You are going to get frustrated as hell in solo as a wizard, especially because IM is notorious for nerffing them or changing core stats/spells. They are however one of the few classes that seems to be consistently in 3's'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1239516 && dateTime=='04/02/24(Tue)12:08:59') {

>not viable because of warlock
see >>1218699'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1239517 && dateTime=='04/02/24(Tue)12:10:19') {

>wizard not viable because of warlock
anon... April Fools is over'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1239625 && dateTime=='04/02/24(Tue)14:23:11') {

'I've pretty much quit until arena or solo ice caves.

Now all I do is flip items on test servers or buy things out that can potentially deprive other classes so that they can't one day use bis against me.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1239780 && dateTime=='04/02/24(Tue)16:38:09') {

literally killed some retard with a dogshit weapon who doesn't know how phantomize works
it's really simple
warlock has healing, infinite spells, 25% magic resist, better stats, better dagger damage
you only lose if you play bad'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1240134 && dateTime=='04/02/24(Tue)22:31:47') {

Depends on the lock playstyle but they largely win in wars of attrition, however they have no burst. People who actually know the game just walk away from BoC. Torture mastery phantomize builds are effective for wearing down opponents but they can't blast someone to death in three seconds from a safe distance like a wizard can.
Did lock need to be buffed this hotfix? Absolutely not but they're really not that crazy if you know the counterplay. I literally spent like two or three minutes camping a pillar against a curse spamming lock in HR caves yesterday and waited until he got impatient and then rushed him down at the perfect opportunity. Couple days earlier I was fighting a BIS'd out PDR demon lock and would just run away and camp him the second he went demon mode until I could wear him down and finish him off. You have to play cringe to beat cringe. Warlock is good but they're not great, that title goes to wizard no contest.
t. literal 1000 hours no life faggot playing this game every day'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1240146 && dateTime=='04/02/24(Tue)22:42:35') {

Btw the people playing warlock this season are the same skill deficient losers that were playing barbarian last season when that class was insanely overtuned. They are all one tricks and the second you bring counterplay 90% of them will shit themselves with fury over your audacity to not yield to their metapick faggotry. Same goes for all the influx of fighters this season, it's so shameless LMAO'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1240258 && dateTime=='04/03/24(Wed)02:06:27') {

ie 90% of the game's remaining population'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1240327 && dateTime=='04/03/24(Wed)06:40:29') {

'really can't bring myself to keep playing the game as they make it worse every patch. deliberately designing the game to be unfair with high variance and massive gear weight does not make the game more "gritty and immersive". it makes the game extremely unrewarding to play well and saps the romance out of the game. the very premise that after a year of working to make the 3d audio better, they would ship a patch that removes footstep audio from all crouching players, just beggars belief. gear should be weak and allowed in normals again. sound queues and the kill log are the only two reliable ways that players ever had to make smart decisions regarding their match-by-match conduct. the rock-paper-scissors matchups of the classes can only produce a worthwhile game when players can pick their fights. these idiots want you to have 0 chance to know there is a barb in BiS crouching around the corner until he starts hitting you.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1240768 && dateTime=='04/03/24(Wed)17:21:15'  && image=='strongest W key holder.webm') {

'these are the players that want creep to stay in the game';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1240781 && dateTime=='04/03/24(Wed)17:31:08') {

'I've been addicted to this game for the past 2-3 months. The worst thing is that only one of my friends plays the game and the rest don't care for it. Wish there was some sort of matchmaking bc playing solo is gay as shit.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1240783 && dateTime=='04/03/24(Wed)17:35:03') {

'Man I just cant do it. Everytime I go HR I die to almost anyone excluding the naked rogue that dies to everything. Im just gonna stick to normals forever and forget about gold and rating.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1240849 && dateTime=='04/03/24(Wed)18:18:24') {

normals is the only good part of this game due to the dumb gooks re-adding +all stats again, takes skill to win vs stat checks in HR'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1240872 && dateTime=='04/03/24(Wed)18:38:12') {

>walks backwards and spams projectiles
epic outplay!!'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1240887 && dateTime=='04/03/24(Wed)18:47:26'  && image=='vermin exterminated.webm') {

Solo HR is the worst it's been in months, I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. You'd have to be a masochist to bring in actual gear to HR when someone can just creep up behind you or stand around a corner and win the fight before it's even started. At least in normals you don't risk losing anything and extracting is all but guaranteed if you're not a noob.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1240922 && dateTime=='04/03/24(Wed)19:03:57') {

'This is how people can see through walls with no applications installed. PUBG fixed this back in 2017. This setting determines how close you have to be to a wall for it to render. Players, creatures, and effects render at a longer distance.



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1241048 && dateTime=='04/03/24(Wed)20:51:25') {

>tfw was addicted last wipe until they removed map rotation/selection
>now I'm free and waiting for arena/solo ice caves
>only one friend
if they aren't a regular player you could always both play on the test servers and explore/teach them the maps uninterrupted by other players.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1241049 && dateTime=='04/03/24(Wed)20:52:16') {

class? It's not as hard as you might think, just get a little bit of gear and you can make something happen'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1241226 && dateTime=='04/04/24(Thu)00:50:55') {

and is this detectable? surely it is'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1241251 && dateTime=='04/04/24(Thu)01:27:54') {

'How do I get into the game again. All I did last season was solo roguing to high rankings in ruins but it all seems so daunting to do again';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1241481 && dateTime=='04/04/24(Thu)09:01:44'  && image=='1691083198487358.png') {

'first legendary pull on the alt, only 5 games in
at least its +2 all
try messing around on test servers, IM said they'll start rolling out updates on there first before implementing them in-game so it'll help to be leveled up on there. Also lobbies are completely empty so you can just do whatever you want'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1241569 && dateTime=='04/04/24(Thu)10:48:31') {

'Remove weapon damage modifiers
Remove +all stats
integrate legendary weapon effects as a rare modifier for gear
fire anyone who is in charge of balancing and hire actual white people
release druid'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1241646 && dateTime=='04/04/24(Thu)12:37:56') {

'I need some help
I am new to the game though i also played for about 20 hours
I decided to go ranger and I legit haven’t been able to kill a single person in PvP
I know I am not a brainlet since I am good a myriad other games. Hot grandmaster in OW, master on Apex multiple time, good stats in PUBG, held high legend in Hearthstone + infinite Arenas and was number 1 in Duels but no one played them anyways
The point is I legit can’t figure out what the fuck I am doing wrong
I even tried looking up some guides which I never do and most things I doing is just obvious shit like crouching midair and not backing up on S
Do I just have to rely on trap cheese and camp people'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1241649 && dateTime=='04/04/24(Thu)12:40:37') {

'>they didn't remove creep from all classes
literally unplayable'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1241652 && dateTime=='04/04/24(Thu)12:44:28') {

Clean up your room'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1241815 && dateTime=='04/04/24(Thu)15:28:20') {

the game would be abandonware in 3 months without chinese rmt and hackers to ban. gear strong = players rmt and hack = players get banned = players buy more keys.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1241863 && dateTime=='04/04/24(Thu)16:50:53') {

just have good gear lmao'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1242331 && dateTime=='04/05/24(Fri)01:08:30') {

i mean >>1241815 is right but ranger is difficult. most classes can easily break the gap between you and you need a gap to survive. you basically just need to constantly run away from enemies with your fists out and keep space between you while taking shots. jump when you switch weps or put weps away to maintain speed. jump when you're loading an arrow to maintain speed. consider playing with a rapier/hand crossbow as a secondary or a windlass as a crossbow. if you can open up a fight with a crossbow HS it can give you an advantage'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1242968 && dateTime=='04/05/24(Fri)17:12:26') {

'Say you actually make it to demigod, does your rank lock? Or do you have to play like a sweatlord to maintain it till seasons end? Or does the rank not lock but reward does.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1242986 && dateTime=='04/05/24(Fri)17:27:11') {

no it doesn't lock'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1243018 && dateTime=='04/05/24(Fri)17:55:42') {

nope you basically have to abandon your character if you want to preserve your Demigod rank
why they tied exclusive in-game rewards to AP rank is beyond my comprehension'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1243023 && dateTime=='04/05/24(Fri)17:57:47'  && image=='1627934524844.png') {

What is wrong with these devs.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1243026 && dateTime=='04/05/24(Fri)17:59:38') {

please understand this issue is not currently a priority
maybe after druid is out in early 2025'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1243163 && dateTime=='04/05/24(Fri)20:07:02') {

in hotfix 15 they made gear weak by removing +allstats and toning down +wepdmg while also buffing drop rates, you could open a couple chests in gobbo and have a full kit good enough to compete at 90% effectiveness against nearly anybody out there. they promptly bungled the patch so badly that the servers wouldn't properly sync with each other and everybody's gear was getting rolled back every game, leading to tons of duping- you could trade somebody your viola, go suicide it by leaving the lobby before a match even starts, and then trade the same person a second one, etc. in less than a month they had wiped everybody's inventory with "hotfix #18" which they did under the guise of "wanting to test a large rebalance to our random modifier system" claiming that the problem was that it "added too much rng" despite the fact that the #15 had the lowest variance of any patch up until that point because anybody who had opened a couple chests had the same mix of mediocre blues and greens, and people bringing their duped godgear were getting taken down by 2 or 3 teaming players who had nothing to lose. since then we have only seen more and more gear emphasis until recently when people have universally started saying that if you don't have godgear in hr that you're playing at a disadvantage. there is obviously a deep desire from the devs for gear to be strong and, if possible, time-consuming to get. welcome to the "milking chinese whales without p2w" metagame where the devs get chang killed by a silent barb so that he is sent back to the goldbuyer website where he'll incentivize more botting and get himself banned (but not before he runs around 4 lobbies 1shotting everybody else)'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1243240 && dateTime=='04/05/24(Fri)21:22:53') {

>le secrit conspiracy
have you ever considered that the devs are just bad (still better than you or anyone in this gen) at game design?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1243249 && dateTime=='04/05/24(Fri)21:33:30') {

i have considered and dismissed that possibility because every single other variable of design like whether class matchups should be rps-based or aim to be balanced, whether classes are balanced around solos or trios, whether having high armor should mean that you have low mdef or the opposite, whether the goal of balancing is for classes to have equal winrates, kill rates, or pick rates, whether there should be more portals than players, less portals than players, or the same amount, all of these factors fluctuate seemingly randomly.
the fact is that there is only one feature of their design philosophy with a perceptible and understandable trend and it is that they want fights to be decided by gear differences. patches where gear is unimpactful or quick to get are quickly rolled back and replaced with patches where gear is strong. if this is true, what feedback mechanism is reinforcing this behavior? likely sales, which increase as they ban chink cheaters in the hundreds each patch'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1243283 && dateTime=='04/05/24(Fri)22:17:33') {

take your meds sis'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1243286 && dateTime=='04/05/24(Fri)22:19:27') {

concession accepted. your model cannot explain what is happening, mine can'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1243294 && dateTime=='04/05/24(Fri)22:27:33') {

'I'm not reading all that, hope you get well soon';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1243394 && dateTime=='04/06/24(Sat)00:43:14') {

My model is that when Ironmace toned down gear power for a single patch, streamers, official discord and reddit all had a simultaneous meltdown over it and Ironmace, like the bad game designers they are, listened to their player base.
Yours is the most retarded, unrealistic and over-complicated schizo scheme ever imagined.
Try thinking it through again after you've taken your pills and then get back to me.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1243545 && dateTime=='04/06/24(Sat)07:18:12') {

'this game is literally just
>grind 10k gold
>buy bis kit
>play a couple games
>get landmined/third partied
it's getting pretty stale if you ask me
it doesn't even make sense to run gear if your kit is not BIS cause you will most likely just lose it to a juicer'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1243849 && dateTime=='04/06/24(Sat)16:21:53') {

devs don't care about solos, they think you're not playing the actual game, hence why so many quests are locked only to trios'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1244279 && dateTime=='04/07/24(Sun)00:43:54') {

'Played the free beta test they had before Nexon shit themselves, is this worth buying this time around?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1244518 && dateTime=='04/07/24(Sun)09:29:53') {

can someone gift me? lol'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1244658 && dateTime=='04/07/24(Sun)13:24:53'  && image=='da build.png') {

'bros... I'm too slow...

If you have to ask probably not? It's changed quite a bit since the playtests (e.g., players have become more competitive and optimized, balance has improved significantly, having game knowledge is critical to surviving, etc.). You need to put a lot of time into the game for it to be a rewarding experience.
>grind 10k gold
>buy bis kit
That's your problem. In solos it's better to have several cheap, mid-tier kits than one BIS kit that you lose to something outside of your control. I typically don't spend more than 4000g on a single kit and avoid wearing any gear that's worth more than 1000g on its own. You want to be effective but not to the point that dying once will bankrupt and demoralize you.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1244659 && dateTime=='04/07/24(Sun)13:26:45') {

>balance improvements

That's always a good thing to hear. I felt it was iffy before. But I'm just a retard and am just bad.
Next paycheck it is then'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1244671 && dateTime=='04/07/24(Sun)13:36:38') {

There's always going to be things to complain about with balance (right now I think the hot topic this season is +2 All being such a dominant roll) but every class has the ability to kill every other class in the game if played correctly. Build diversity is also the best it's ever been and will be even more interesting when multiclassing is introduced in the near future.
>But I'm just a retard and am just bad.
Self-awareness is the most important thing you can have in this game, you may not succeed every raid but having strong mental fortitude will put you miles ahead of other players that auto-tilt when they lose to better gear, a tough class matchup, or just bad luck.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1244720 && dateTime=='04/07/24(Sun)14:16:20') {

'>see juicer rogue in lobby
>can't play raid or else I'll get landmined
has there been a season where these insects didn't terrorize solos?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1244968 && dateTime=='04/07/24(Sun)17:46:27') {

>rogue mains are literal children
you can't make this up'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1245626 && dateTime=='04/08/24(Mon)03:20:06') {

>be bonk wiz with hp build
love w key rogues. free loot'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1245761 && dateTime=='04/08/24(Mon)04:49:40') {

made a lot of changes, rather than buy just look for somebody to give you their 10-day trial code and try it out for yourself.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1246252 && dateTime=='04/08/24(Mon)11:28:32'  && image=='what's wrong with my build....webm') {

not sure how much you've been playing lately but I don't think even bonk wiz is safe with how overtuned rogues are right now
this was the only wiz (basically naked) I saw in my lobby yesterday when I was playing HR all day, meanwhile 2 or 3 geared rogues minimum in every lobby
I would offer mine but it's already been used :^('


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1246376 && dateTime=='04/08/24(Mon)12:50:55') {

these people are goofy.
>rogue is supposed to be weak!
could still bonk him.
that guy literally missed and its hilarious how people think rogue is supposed to not be able to contend.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1246609 && dateTime=='04/08/24(Mon)17:29:59') {

'Any US west arizona players?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1246657 && dateTime=='04/08/24(Mon)18:27:28') {

'this game has become so boring
just bring back solo ice caves and its all good again.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1246856 && dateTime=='04/08/24(Mon)22:11:50') {


every map should be like ice caverns, remove swarm and add statics
so tired of being forced into people that spend all raid creeping around and camping corners instead of actually playing the game'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1247648 && dateTime=='04/09/24(Tue)11:55:57'  && image=='1706364621688301.png') {

'>solos all dungeons again
>like a month late
there's honestly nothing wrong with mob density, its just two modules in ice caves where you pull shit from above/below'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1247819 && dateTime=='04/09/24(Tue)15:32:14'  && image=='metaslave inbound.webm') {

'how's my DPS look?

best solo news we've heard all wipe besides 5x5 caves returning'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1247835 && dateTime=='04/09/24(Tue)15:48:39'  && image=='1712683203504724.jpg') {

yay more empty lobbies'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1247836 && dateTime=='04/09/24(Tue)15:49:17') {

it'd be even more empty if solo players left altogether. dying game until steam/arena release anyway'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1247893 && dateTime=='04/09/24(Tue)17:01:47'  && image=='divine protection cleric.webm') {

yeah I'm thinking Bard needs some more nerfs
>10,000+ concurrent players on a Tuesday afternoon is a dying game'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1248014 && dateTime=='04/09/24(Tue)18:22:56'  && image=='CREEP FAILED, CROSSBOW MISSED, SPRINT WASTED, ABORT ABORT ABORT.webm') {

'phew, almost got outplayed by my opponent's brilliant use of creep!
imagine if I wasn't checking my surroundings every three seconds, he could have won the fight before I had a chance to react! I cleared the entire room and couldn't hear the door open either but ggs guess I'm just better haha :^D'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1248253 && dateTime=='04/09/24(Tue)20:44:36') {

'how do I bard';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1248260 && dateTime=='04/09/24(Tue)20:51:27') {

play your songs
then win'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1248460 && dateTime=='04/10/24(Wed)00:39:57') {

'killing someone on the test server feels like I'm doing something wrong';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1248499 && dateTime=='04/10/24(Wed)01:29:47') {

>feels like I'm doing something wrong
yeah you are doing something wrong, why the fuck are you still on the test server?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1248506 && dateTime=='04/10/24(Wed)01:33:40') {

>he doesn't know test server meta'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1248841 && dateTime=='04/10/24(Wed)07:14:17') {

'What is the meta solo class now?
I am having a hard time after all the barb nerfs'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1249137 && dateTime=='04/10/24(Wed)11:05:52') {

>What is the meta solo class now?
whichever class you find fun, faggot'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1249155 && dateTime=='04/10/24(Wed)11:28:18') {

Basically anything works but its probably warlock. At least for normals. The opponent needs to really play the fight perfectly while the warlock can no brain monkey the fight and win.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1249391 && dateTime=='04/10/24(Wed)14:51:25') {

death to warlock'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1249794 && dateTime=='04/10/24(Wed)20:02:19') {

Warlock and Bard win every single matchup by default'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1249954 && dateTime=='04/10/24(Wed)22:05:31') {

Bard is only good for AP farming because they have high resourcefulness and can cleave cave bosses in the span of a minute, unless you have giga BIS you're not winning any PvP.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1250018 && dateTime=='04/10/24(Wed)23:08:58') {

'will I get banned for micspamming alabama nigger?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1250060 && dateTime=='04/10/24(Wed)23:40:53') {

yes, you can get reported for hateful speech since trade chat rules apply to in-game chat
seen people get banned for this too, so might have to try not being racist, if that's somehow possible for you'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1250138 && dateTime=='04/11/24(Thu)01:11:27') {

I wonder if I could get away with 'IKnowHowYouGotMonkeyPox' as a name still'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1250778 && dateTime=='04/11/24(Thu)15:40:53') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1250826 && dateTime=='04/11/24(Thu)16:06:21') {

'what are good stats on a drum besides for throwing';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1250887 && dateTime=='04/11/24(Thu)16:52:46'  && image=='wendigo cheese.webm') {

'if you weren't already aware, going invis as wendigo breaks its aggro mechanic and you can land free hits';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1250891 && dateTime=='04/11/24(Thu)16:57:18'  && image=='giant cheese.webm') {

'they removed the old spot next to the lionhead chest behind the ice blocks, but this one works even better - the giant can't hit you at all.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1250907 && dateTime=='04/11/24(Thu)17:07:27'  && image=='champ cheese.webm') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1250909 && dateTime=='04/11/24(Thu)17:07:57') {

as wendigo hits you*'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1251293 && dateTime=='04/11/24(Thu)22:25:55') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1251445 && dateTime=='04/12/24(Fri)01:07:33') {

fag infected with the pox detected'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1251731 && dateTime=='04/12/24(Fri)06:25:03') {

'hand crossbow rogue is insanely broken';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1252398 && dateTime=='04/12/24(Fri)16:45:46') {

'>Accelerando and Allegro locked to 8 seconds now
what is even the point of Bard'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1252495 && dateTime=='04/12/24(Fri)19:15:17'  && image=='random reddit screenshot.png') {

'so the stories are true...
apparently to get here you just have a random chance to spawn here'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1252501 && dateTime=='04/12/24(Fri)19:24:05'  && image=='1696860984908108.png') {

'they will know pain';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1252504 && dateTime=='04/12/24(Fri)19:24:35') {

also I should've preleveled a fighter, you need weapon mastery for a crystal ball'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1252520 && dateTime=='04/12/24(Fri)19:46:37'  && image=='1684327280871014.png') {

'gear based matchmaking = my own private lobbies';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1252612 && dateTime=='04/12/24(Fri)22:00:20') {

'This would be a lot more exciting if ice caves were solo';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1252690 && dateTime=='04/12/24(Fri)23:25:55'  && image=='7534622.jpg') {

'>Crouch now makes sound again
>No sound while shift walking

What are these devs smoking? This is what everyone was already doing. I feel like one of the devs really is in love with this idea but the community hates it so they keep slightly changing it in order to appease them'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1252692 && dateTime=='04/12/24(Fri)23:28:39') {

'wow, didn't think they were capable of fucking up the game this badly, might be time to move on to something else';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1252738 && dateTime=='04/13/24(Sat)00:07:57') {

>early access testing period
>about as "before" as it gets in a before and after (polished finished product) situation
>he thinks this is the "after"
but yeah, idk how many hotfixes its been and still no solos on all dungeons. I'm losing so much interest'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1253306 && dateTime=='04/13/24(Sat)11:34:05') {

Actually looking forward to the multi class on live just to see how broken things get. Unfortunately the grind will be a pain in the ass especially with the rng'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1253434 && dateTime=='04/13/24(Sat)14:16:28') {

spam normals and kill everything, die and repeat. you keep xp if you die so its faster'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1254215 && dateTime=='04/14/24(Sun)05:55:08') {

'the gear based matchmaking is actually good
I can finally play without getting run over by op gear'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1254733 && dateTime=='04/14/24(Sun)16:07:09') {

'>it's another Frontline runs out of the circle into a 3man only to get the door closed on him and we lose because of it episode';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1254794 && dateTime=='04/14/24(Sun)17:43:32') {

- Developers make a hard-line statement that no-sound movement is staying in, to expose ESP cheaters
- Someone who is full naked will make no sound
- Someone who is full cloth will make some sound, unless they're a rogue in which case they're silent
- Community gets told to fuck off
- Mixing armor types or wearing plate is immediately the loudest possible thing
- Movement type causes some armor types to amplify or dampen the volume level from movement
- Streamers get told to kill themselves if they don't like it
- Special clothing that's made from metal fabric makes more noise
- Modifier stat can be found that will reduce noise
- Rogue-only equipment gets a special anti-sound modifier that quiets more than just movements
- Revert all changes one week then put them back the next because the developers are ultimately pussies who can't make up their fucking minds on how the game should work, even when it's working correctly.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1254841 && dateTime=='04/14/24(Sun)18:55:40') {

'I'm losing interest more and more in this game the longer they refuse to implement solo dungeons.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1254961 && dateTime=='04/14/24(Sun)21:56:02') {

'solo sucks unless you are cleric/bard
3s is only fun if it's white only lobby (skill vs stat stacking)
+all stat sucks and the dev should be hanged for forcing it
fuck niggers'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1255035 && dateTime=='04/14/24(Sun)23:49:27') {

you get monumentally more exp for extracting'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1255252 && dateTime=='04/15/24(Mon)08:11:57') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1255696 && dateTime=='04/15/24(Mon)19:31:28'  && image=='1683287426247742.png') {

'No solo? No play.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1255840 && dateTime=='04/15/24(Mon)22:50:45'  && image=='normals gob caves profit.png') {

'didn't touch a boss btw
this new strat goes pretty hard'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1256635 && dateTime=='04/16/24(Tue)17:50:05'  && image=='61-41 preignite.webm') {

'>how do I know if my bonk set is good
If you're hitting ~100 pre-ignite then you're up there'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1256793 && dateTime=='04/16/24(Tue)21:47:41') {

'I regret spending money on this game. I liked the idea of it but the execution is terrible and I'm just not having fun.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257183 && dateTime=='04/17/24(Wed)10:37:00') {

>you have to calculate your gear value in order to min max which lobby you get put in
these devs are killing the game, and multiclassing is going to put it 6 feet under'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257233 && dateTime=='04/17/24(Wed)11:59:31'  && image=='happening.gif') {

'>Hotfix #42, which includes the multiclass system, will be released in a few hours.
It was nice knowing you bros'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257380 && dateTime=='04/17/24(Wed)15:07:19') {

yeah, I'm waiting until solo queue and/or arena before I download the main game again. but if that doesn't work out I'll uninstall until steam'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257458 && dateTime=='04/17/24(Wed)16:43:21') {

'>They nerfed rogue again



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257480 && dateTime=='04/17/24(Wed)17:05:59') {

not enough nerfs unironically'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257573 && dateTime=='04/17/24(Wed)18:56:39') {

'any alternative games with similar fantasy dungeon delving? I need something to replace this dog shit';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257658 && dateTime=='04/17/24(Wed)20:47:34') {

'How are these devs so braindamaged to implement useless garbage like multiclassing, seriously what goes through these chink minded retards when this is brought to the table';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257791 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)00:12:23') {

Rogues with smite were OP, ironically the removal of smite scaling buffed that since they just scaled negatively'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257803 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)00:26:03') {

Maybe Deep Rock Galactic but it's not the same vibe.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257820 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)00:52:35') {

'hacker removed all my gear in the pregame lobby
I fucking hate this game'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257823 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)00:56:26') {

I didn't know that was an extraction-looter type of game'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257824 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)00:57:06') {

its a bug with rogue/pickpocketing I think
you can loot their gear sets too so just do it back to them'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257826 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)01:00:27') {

I don't fucking care
too late
fucking retarded gooks'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257827 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)01:01:08') {

should've uninstalled earlier like me, obviously, but you're on your way.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257839 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)01:11:25') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257846 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)01:40:21') {

don't queue HR until next hotfix'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257857 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)02:18:38') {

'>got my gold coin bag reward from quest
>everyone is saying we're getting a rollback
>going to lose my free bag
so frustrated with this piece of shit game it's unreal'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257864 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)02:25:55') {

'That's it, I'm reinstalling this game right now to pickpocket items and delete them from the game.

Obviously there will be a rollback and you just know Iron Mace does not have the gall or sustained playerbase to ban everyone.

anyone want to join or'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257865 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)02:26:34') {

>full pots
what do you mean, you fill your inventory or something?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257866 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)02:29:37') {

'This is going to be just like Evil Eye, they'll probably do a rollback and disable pickpocket.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257869 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)02:34:06') {

'somebody tell me is it working specifically with rogue class or can I just slap pickpocket on any class and do it';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257902 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)03:39:13') {

did the golden door quest while nobody was queueing, ezpz lemon squeezy
funny how US East had nothing but roguefaggots doing the pickpocket exploit but EU had a fighter and a warlock just chilling
hope all you insects get banned btw'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1257995 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)06:35:16'  && image=='file.png') {

'one build to rule them all';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1258173 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)11:07:12') {

also check your phys power in raid you noob, you're gonna be in the negatives with your weapons'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1258865 && dateTime=='04/18/24(Thu)23:53:10'  && image=='file.png') {

alright how about this one?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1258900 && dateTime=='04/19/24(Fri)00:40:05') {

'Any neat ideas for some multiclassing with my wizard? Cleric and warlock seem a bit obvious. Im not talking about bonk synergies but something to help me be a caster.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1258939 && dateTime=='04/19/24(Fri)01:54:42') {

'Wow grinding cleric for some wizard spells really shows how bad alot of things are. I am not doing all these fuckin quests again. Also solo cleric is not very fun.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1259220 && dateTime=='04/19/24(Fri)11:18:23') {

Smite and Divine Protection were fine on Cleric but they had to be nerfed for this stupid multiclassing bullshit that NOBODY asked for
Looks solid. What's your move speed? You might get destroyed by casters/bonkers. No dex also means you'll get out DPS'd by other builds if you mistime your sav roar.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1259576 && dateTime=='04/19/24(Fri)18:06:21') {

movespeed is 319
I don't really need dex because sword mastery gives me 5% action speed'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1260244 && dateTime=='04/20/24(Sat)11:34:09') {

Really only cleric or warlock for wiz, the high base knowledge lets a lot of builds work. I'd say bard maybe but as soon as you finish buffing the others would wear off.

Rogue might be a fun one for memes, like turn a corner, go invis and zap them from behind or ranger just for back step.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1260431 && dateTime=='04/20/24(Sat)15:43:47'  && image=='GIGACHAD.webm') {

'This guy cooked.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1260467 && dateTime=='04/20/24(Sat)16:40:26'  && image=='THE PHANTOM BARD.webm') {

'Did everyone get filtered by multiclassing?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1260732 && dateTime=='04/20/24(Sat)20:21:05') {

'>Spend better part of day grinding cleric
>Get no spell, perk or abbility I wanted on 4 rolls
Wow all of a sudden I dont feel like playing this game for about 3 days.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1260802 && dateTime=='04/20/24(Sat)21:35:04'  && image=='WRATH OF PHANTOM BARD.webm') {

It took me 8 rolls to get the one skill I wanted from my Warlock.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1260819 && dateTime=='04/20/24(Sat)22:09:03') {

Ya the randomness really hurts. Like I got sanctuary and judgment on my wizard. Not exactly the most wowing of multiclassing. So now I either have to go farm a bunch of mobs which I dont wanna do im all pve grinding out, wait the 3ish days for a reroll, or just play default wizard. I feel so bad on the cleric grind with no reward I think ill just wait. To think when I started I was also gonna do warlock so I could get firewalk wizard which would had been nice but now fuck that.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1260843 && dateTime=='04/20/24(Sat)22:53:53') {

judgement is pretty good with a bonk build'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1260846 && dateTime=='04/20/24(Sat)22:55:56') {

I know but I like spell casting wizard. If I was gonna go bonk ide rather play like fighter.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1260848 && dateTime=='04/20/24(Sat)22:58:27') {

I'm taking a break from the game too because I can't get what I want'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1260861 && dateTime=='04/20/24(Sat)23:20:21') {

congrats, he's unlocked elden ring pvp.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1261061 && dateTime=='04/21/24(Sun)07:08:50') {

'bosses should have healthbars';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1261070 && dateTime=='04/21/24(Sun)07:18:10') {

'>sprint barbarian
>demon from barbarian
>buff stacking warlock dagger smite dual weild warlock
>robust fighter
>ambush barbarian
>meditate cleric
>cleric with bard songs and spell memory
>smite dual wield sprint dagger barbarian'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1261075 && dateTime=='04/21/24(Sun)07:31:04') {

'all I need is sprint barb
all the other faggot ass multiclass builds can go fuck themselves'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1261169 && dateTime=='04/21/24(Sun)11:14:00'  && image=='lol.png') {

'>we're going to lose the most fun gameplay update we've had in a long time because reddit is too stupid to develop new metas and counterplay
here's hoping they at least nerf sprint in the process'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1261176 && dateTime=='04/21/24(Sun)11:41:12') {

>found this today
this won't work past normals just fyi'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1261872 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)04:48:34') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1261873 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)04:49:05') {

>intense focus hellfire'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1261881 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)05:14:17') {

My two main issues are its grindy as hell to really mess around with more then 1-2 classes. And the RNG can be so brutal. They are lessening it but I got fucked hard twice in a row which meant I was default against people that got lucky crazy shit.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1261991 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)10:20:05') {

what the fuck kind of AI is this lmao? did you make this?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262043 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)11:43:12') {

They need to add something like a wow token or osrs bond.
>Ironmace, like the bad game designers they are, listened to their player base.
This is the #1 problem plaguing games today. You have to listen to an extent, some changes they suggest will be important. But if you could just listen to player feedback and make a good game, 99% of games would be amazing. You can't design based on player feedback.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262055 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)11:52:27') {

>game companies should ignore their playerbase, i.e., the people playing their game'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262057 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)11:53:44') {

Your character's power level (not counting gear) used to be 85% at 0 hours, 92% at 2 hours, 97% at 5 hours and 100% at 10 hours (hours played representing level 1, 5, 10, and 15, no I don't care that you can grind them faster or new players take longer, if you reply saying that you're retarded). You got your best abilities immediately, and the best perk to start with every new perk being worse than the last. With multiclassing you need to grind level 30 multiple times and get lucky to reach 100% character power level. Completely ass change from a character growth perspective even without taking balance and class readability (not tf2 tier but damn good and important to the game) into account.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262064 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)11:57:46') {

Kill yourself bot nigger (or rather, sorry we enslaved you into serving global faggotry)'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262065 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)11:57:57'  && image=='1514956682255.png') {

>Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vm/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/
Bro, follow the rules, what the absolute heck?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262259 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)14:43:29') {

random post in the official discord'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262273 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)15:02:59'  && image=='4 second wendigo.webm') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262405 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)17:41:08') {

someone made this'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262460 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)18:35:08') {

'Why should I play this?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262471 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)18:51:18') {

If you have to ask, then don't, fag.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262548 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)20:56:23') {

I didn't have to ask, I chose to ask.
Things I've seen about it catch my interest a bit, but nothing has really sold me on it.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262562 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)21:07:54') {

they're testing a really imbalanced feature right now if you like goofing around with broken shit, but it requires grinding and some luck. likewise, if you don't want to deal with that now is not a good time to join in. in the future, they will release on Epic and that should be a good time to start.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262567 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)21:12:39') {

'>We are"Testing" multiclassing
>Force you to use a system that makes you wait 3 days to play the game again if you dont roll good
dumb chinks'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262576 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)21:20:55') {

I don't have to buy it on Epic, do I? Because fuck that garbage.
Otherwise, I guess I'll wait to hear about that and see how it has been adjusted. Sounds like not a good time for me to jump in.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262594 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)21:35:35'  && image=='wizcleric.png') {

'Multiclass is hot shit but being a cleriwiz is fun (Also rolling the 10% knowledge talent)';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262676 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)23:21:40'  && image=='1709237001509522.png') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262692 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)23:46:26') {

that was me like 10 days ago'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262696 && dateTime=='04/22/24(Mon)23:59:44') {

'cutthroat is such bullshit
"lol I snuck up behind you while you were fighting someone else and turned your character off"
awesome gg'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262702 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)00:11:49') {

>Counter to all the gay shit thats in the game now
>Pissed because you don't look behind you during PVE
retarded nigger'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262739 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)00:53:03') {

have fun waiting behind a rock for 10 minutes you retarded troglodyte nigger
you won't get any kills any other way'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262767 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)01:23:48') {

To be fair to that anon there are people that play like that just sitting in some cheesy spot for mins on end till they get a retarded opening. Reason why rouges got nerfed a hundred times I suppose.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262864 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)05:08:01') {

They could have played this before a Starcraft tournament and no one would know the difference.

Did they really just disappear ruins?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262866 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)05:09:37') {

If that was true then why the fuck did they make multiclass a thing? The only people talking about that were paid shill podcasters who got the info from above.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262867 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)05:14:20') {

they're polishing it up and probably scouring the entire map for every possible double jump spot so you can't do anything abusive.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1262870 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)05:21:10') {

No Fun Allowed'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1263331 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)14:09:09') {

>t. roguefaggot'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1263462 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)16:59:55'  && image=='DEVIOUS PHANTOM BARD.webm') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1263695 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)20:39:23') {

You still scared of the worst class in the game? Just let me perch in ruins like a vulture and wait for free loot.

Did you still lose?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1263697 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)20:40:19') {

that first ruins playtest was pure joy, it was a whole separate map for rogues above the ceiling'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1263839 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)23:58:18'  && image=='Spoiler Image') {

>xhe needs a skill to run at move speed cap

I cut the clip too short but he's ragdolling backwards in those last few milliseconds'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1263845 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)00:10:32') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1263879 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)02:27:49') {

I literally cried and spent the entire playtest climbing on those walls watching people fight. Absolute kino, so koreans had to destroy it.

fuck multiclassing no one wanted this bullshit we could have multiple maps, guild wars, arena map, new items, guild halls, ranked battle mode, sex mode. instead we get more autism for streamers and youtube to make thousands of videos for.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1264115 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)09:27:48') {

it's a creep or be creeped world'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1264224 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)11:07:11') {

>fuck multiclassing no one wanted this bullshit
Multiclassing is good and fun for the game but it needs more fine-tuning and balancing to prevent huge power gaps between casuals and veterans. Clearly a skill tree is not in the cards for Ironmace right now if they're trying to implement this system specifically. Even if they did a skill tree it would probably be lackluster where it's just a increase in numbers depending on how you specialize (e.g., tier 1 of Slayer gives three weapon damage, tier 2 gives four damage, tier 3 gives five damage, etc.). Multiclassing is a good compromise to reward playing multiple characters and make leveling something useful and consistently rewarding.

RNG and the limited number of times you can play the slot machine is a huge deterrent to veterans. I was watching uToast (2000+ hours) yesterday and he said he didn't want to reroll his multiclassing or else his main character might be unplayable for a few days if he got the wrong stuff so clearly it's working as intended. Definitely not a perfect system by any means but should be recognized as a major step forward for the game.

>tl;dr: multiclassing is definitely the future for the game but needs to be tweaked a bit to work for all players'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1264255 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)11:31:31') {

Nope, you're retarded. Sorry.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1264262 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)11:33:24') {

All good, I'm sorry you got filtered by new game mechanics. Hope you l2p eventually.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1264480 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)14:29:20') {

I'm not surprised that someone who watches streamers thinks this system is a positive move for the game in any way. "chat isn't multiclassing the most poggerz update since warlocks were added? IM really cares about this game." owari da'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1264552 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)15:39:16') { }

if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1264592 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)16:17:53') {

'IM didn't want to make anything new so they let other classes use preexisting assets';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1264636 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)16:58:47') {

>multiclassing is definitely the future for the game
Even IM said in the patch notes that it may not be in the game if it doesn't work out. maybe...>>1264255 ?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1264710 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)18:40:34') {

Hopefully it won't be in the game. The only way it could work is if they severely limited and/or nerfed the perks, probably remove all skills too. Or just remove the class system and make everyone 15 all stats.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1264840 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)20:58:10'  && image=='BILL BILL BILL.jpg') {

'>put significant time and effort into making a system that finally gives meaning to levels and continually rewards the player for playing the game
>system also gives purpose to having and playing multiple characters
>increased creativity and spontaneity for build creation
>community is mixed at worst, mostly because of things unrelated to multiclass gameplay itself (i.e., RNG, time-gated rerolling, having to play one character A LOT after level 30 to get a multiclass build going)
>majority of the system's issues can be solved with further tweaking and balancing
it is definitely here to stay, so git gud or find a new game that gives you dopamine for the least effort possible
They said that about the Marketplace too, and most features that started out as "experimental". At the most it's going to be nerfed a bit to close the player skill/time gap but it's definitely not being removed outright.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1264881 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)21:28:45') {

>Completely remove the class system if you grind hard enough
>Good change


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1264887 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)21:34:34') {

Im more on the positive side for multiclassing but I hope it gets a ton of changes. For a start its showing how some classes like cleric are honestly just so bad that with multiclassing playing as them is kind of a joke but stealing their shit is insane. Some skills and perks are just to good im pretty sure ive seen sprint on every class at this point. Doubt they will nerf sprint though since its a fighter class and they are god chosen people. I think some sort of limit or general nerf on multiclassed skills/perks/spells is what they need to do. Like you can only take 1-2 multiclass things rest has to be main class or multiclassed abilities are just nerfed when on a different class. Also they REALLY need to think hard about how much they want the grind to be. I hated grinding cleric though I did it before they made it easier to level. Ultimately I dont know to an extent ide like to see them try an even crazier system where you just roll your own class with the choice of all equipment skills and stats. Let people just go full retard why not.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1264921 && dateTime=='04/24/24(Wed)22:13:13') {

I hope it won't stay in no matter what they do to it. Such a lazy direction to take the game when they already couldn't balance the classes. it can just be a wacky joke from season 2...'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1265438 && dateTime=='04/25/24(Thu)08:11:50') {

'this game fuckjng sucks and no amount of updates will make it good
the only reason I play this game because there has not been a clone of it yet that is actually good'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1265579 && dateTime=='04/25/24(Thu)09:30:51'  && image=='multiclassing is staying but will be more limited next season.png') {

it's so tiresome being right all the time'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1265582 && dateTime=='04/25/24(Thu)09:33:09') {

Anyone who thought they would fully ditch the system was out of their mind.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1265591 && dateTime=='04/25/24(Thu)09:36:15') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1265598 && dateTime=='04/25/24(Thu)09:44:57'  && image=='dift.jpg') {

'ironmace does this every time they want to do something unpopular if you haven't noticed';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1265603 && dateTime=='04/25/24(Thu)09:47:49') {

[citation needed]'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1266001 && dateTime=='04/25/24(Thu)14:44:07') {

>for a future season
Hey, if you don't like it go ahead and fuck off till next season when we have it half fixed yet still twice as bad. :^)'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1266004 && dateTime=='04/25/24(Thu)14:45:34') {

"We hear your concerns about the loss of class identity.... just shut up, ok?"'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1266006 && dateTime=='04/25/24(Thu)14:46:34') {

'So when are they gonna add guns?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1266227 && dateTime=='04/25/24(Thu)17:01:08') {

every class has their own unique stats that benefit their main abilities
even still it is very obvious who is who in raid
you are coping'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1266406 && dateTime=='04/25/24(Thu)19:26:17') {

>shirtless ranger screaming like a barb
>plate wearer throwing a fireball
>classes reduced to a few points of strength or will
>their model tells you nothing about what they might do
Thank you for proving my point baka'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1266417 && dateTime=='04/25/24(Thu)19:38:29') {

'Are we back to not being able to spectate people in Inferno? Uncle Ironmace...';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1267605 && dateTime=='04/26/24(Fri)13:08:23'  && image=='denied.webm') {

'multiclassing is fun
hope it stays in the game as much as possible'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1268243 && dateTime=='04/26/24(Fri)22:28:33') {

'So do you guys notice people outrunning you with less speed? I've gotten very frustrated this wipe and quit playing because of it but didn't bother trying to record proof or anything. There was a reddit thread and they mostly agreed speed is fishy, and that there are a lot of stealth hackers giving themselves hidden speed boosts.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1268263 && dateTime=='04/26/24(Fri)23:03:06') {

Nope, 1000+ hours and that has not once crossed my mind. Unrelated but are you taking your meds?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1268388 && dateTime=='04/27/24(Sat)02:37:18') {

'Doin gods work dunking on shitters 1989Tianemen';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1269466 && dateTime=='04/27/24(Sat)19:45:59') {

Im not sure if im retarded or not, but I killed troll for the first time since I had a quest, and for some reason I would get this super speed effect that made my animations really fast. the troll also had the boost it was kinda wild.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1269498 && dateTime=='04/27/24(Sat)20:21:09') {

>sword mastery
>shadow touch
>rondel dagger
Rogue is back'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1269504 && dateTime=='04/27/24(Sat)20:24:22'  && image=='LOOT DELIVERY.webm') {

'sorry Mr. Lock, I'm not like the other Bards...';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1269510 && dateTime=='04/27/24(Sat)20:27:23') {

>sword mastery
you will never be a real rogue'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1269516 && dateTime=='04/27/24(Sat)20:30:09') {

>implying Rogue ever left'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1269613 && dateTime=='04/27/24(Sat)21:56:05') {

God I wish I was better at GC HR's, I choke too much in 1v1's over doing 3v3's'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1269643 && dateTime=='04/27/24(Sat)22:26:14'  && image=='gobbos.webm') {

>God I wish I was better at GC HR's
me too'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1271410 && dateTime=='04/29/24(Mon)12:55:00') {

'I want to kill every gathering hall retard';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1271669 && dateTime=='04/29/24(Mon)16:35:44') {

'So yea, that druid class eh? End of the month, right?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1271689 && dateTime=='04/29/24(Mon)17:02:26') {

Hey adventurers, due to some restructuring in the current development timeline, we will be delaying the release of druid for a while to work on content that is a higher priority and up the the high standards we hold for you, our playerbase.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1271844 && dateTime=='04/29/24(Mon)19:28:32') {

Yup, it'll be here tomorrow, the last day of April, with absolutely no delays whatsoever :^)'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1271871 && dateTime=='04/29/24(Mon)19:49:25') {

god I wish I had 2 friends who were semi-decent at this game. So boring having to sift through shit with randoms to find a decent comp, and even then you can't do HR since they want to "Zero to hero" and die after one fight'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1271978 && dateTime=='04/29/24(Mon)22:04:53') {

Before the ranked mode update the tavern was brimming with people to party with. It usually took 3 mins to find a new team and get in a game but now the tavern has 10 people on average and they are all silent baddies. I don't understand how that update changed things so much and how the population didn't change alongside the death of the gathering hall.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1272016 && dateTime=='04/29/24(Mon)23:03:42') {

I'm not even good but my friends suck dick at this game too. Been playing for almost 3 months and they haven't gotten much better since when we started.

It's also impossible to convince anyone to play this game, and even if they were playing this game, it's not like I'd know because I don't see them playing it on my Steam friend's list.

I kinda recoil at the thought of joining the D&D LFG Discord party's, maybe I should.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1272302 && dateTime=='04/30/24(Tue)08:07:34'  && image=='druid status.png') {

'if there's not at least a test server version today I'm going to pick up a new game to play';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1272367 && dateTime=='04/30/24(Tue)09:02:36') {

Any speculation on what the druids perks and skills might be?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1272396 && dateTime=='04/30/24(Tue)09:22:55') {

the main thing is the transformations
confirmed so far are rat, bear, and I think penguin
maybe bat?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1272404 && dateTime=='04/30/24(Tue)09:29:27') {

oh, a chicken form that can peck was another thing mentioned'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1272501 && dateTime=='04/30/24(Tue)11:37:40'  && image=='hope you bought the $50 edition.png') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1272523 && dateTime=='04/30/24(Tue)11:52:16') {

Dungeon recovery system?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1272524 && dateTime=='04/30/24(Tue)11:56:17') {

I'd assume it's like Dark Souls Soul Recovery.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1272688 && dateTime=='04/30/24(Tue)15:25:49'  && image=='Druid.png') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1272690 && dateTime=='04/30/24(Tue)15:27:16') {

I'm sorry, I'm bad and just want people to play with others without having to use discord or reddit :('


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1272692 && dateTime=='04/30/24(Tue)15:31:04') {

How long does it take to transform?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1272696 && dateTime=='04/30/24(Tue)15:32:53') {

about 1 second'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1272879 && dateTime=='04/30/24(Tue)18:45:12') {

'even with this its still not fun
in-game chat/whisper is interesting
won't play'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1272971 && dateTime=='04/30/24(Tue)21:40:28'  && image=='1697264191314608.png') {

'the new multiclasser';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1273051 && dateTime=='04/30/24(Tue)23:49:01') {

>passive heals you 1 HP every 3 seconds
>lose health in human form
>transform into rat (has 5 HP)
>wait until back to 5 HP
>transform into human again
>have full HP again
No way that's sticking around. Looking forward to trying him once he hits public'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1273126 && dateTime=='05/01/24(Wed)03:32:07') {

Might as well keep it considering Warlock exists and essentially does the same thing.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1273614 && dateTime=='05/01/24(Wed)12:26:25') {

'Can't wait for multiclassing to get axed. Game turned into shit';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1274000 && dateTime=='05/01/24(Wed)17:06:42') {

'The game did turn to shit with multiclassing, GBMM, and creep.
Stupid decisions to add these things.
All the people saying “you can’t adapt” are fucking stupid. As if people saying they don’t like multiclassing means they are losing. Mutliclassing made the game a fuck load easier and it’s not fun for every fight to be easy as fuck when you use skills from other classes that were never designed to be used by another class with opposite stat balance.
Multiclassing killed class identity, the people having fun with it didn’t like the game before l because they couldn’t figure out how to survive through good positioning and strategy.
Most people who enjoy multiclass really just enjoy weapon mastery on their class, or they enjoy abusing stupid meta shit like magic thorns reflect build or ambush sprint barb.
I wish the game devs would take a few to steps back and realize the game experience has drastically shifted, so now the game is an arcade fantasy combat battle royale, Instead of a hardcore class based dungeon looter extraction game.
RIP a good game, out of touch devs killing their product'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1274034 && dateTime=='05/01/24(Wed)17:29:51') {

>muh hardcore fantasy into arcade fantasy
>t. watched NotLikeThis's video'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1274302 && dateTime=='05/01/24(Wed)21:21:11') {

It's really just a system to give content creators endless videos such as:

The UNKILLABLE Warlock spec!
Get this multiclass perk to win!
I literally can't die with these perks!
New DEATHKNIGHT fighter multiclass

If you look at IMs worst decision and apply this reasoning, it makes a lot of sense. Multiclass sounds good enough to get newcomers to buy the game before they realize not only is it half-baked, but also a waste of time to farm up.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1276073 && dateTime=='05/03/24(Fri)12:28:15') {

'we got rotations back
time to get demigod farming ice caverns again'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1276322 && dateTime=='05/03/24(Fri)17:37:05') {

my thoughts exactly
I will only play for the season rewards, if they're anything interesting then quit again.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1276444 && dateTime=='05/03/24(Fri)19:31:11') {

'What's a good Wizard Multiclass? Nothing seems to click for me yet. I've heard of Cactus Wizard with Smite, but I've had less success than just regular bonk wizard. Maybe my approach is wrong?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1276842 && dateTime=='05/04/24(Sat)07:56:58') {

It will be gone on sunday so don't grind too much.
Good riddance to that shit. Just died with my semigeared bard to a double crossbow rogue with savage roar and crossbow mastery.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1276857 && dateTime=='05/04/24(Sat)08:35:19') {

'the fuck is tavern and why is it bloatmaxxing my pc';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1277000 && dateTime=='05/04/24(Sat)10:57:08') {

'Zoomers BTFO!';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1277189 && dateTime=='05/04/24(Sat)13:23:02'  && image=='07db5373e0948beeca1fcac57e83556b.jpg') {

'Have they added cute monster girls yet?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1277394 && dateTime=='05/04/24(Sat)15:07:21') {

Did you see what they did to elf skin??? Korea HAET CUTE'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1277482 && dateTime=='05/04/24(Sat)16:17:32') {

'This game has been ruined by the devs pandering to casuals';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1277552 && dateTime=='05/04/24(Sat)17:14:03') {

rogue loading screen art too'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1277765 && dateTime=='05/04/24(Sat)20:46:44') {

'This game is so dead...
On one hand I'm glad things went the way they did because it allowed me to finally quit after playing ~2K hours.

>demigod cape reward
They never should've extended the grind and they should've made it look cooler. I have half a mind to redesign it myself with concept art.
>current season rewards
I don't know how they'll ever sell it as worth grinding for, last seasons was a total let down.
I never cared for it, only leveled a rogue and wizard but it wasn't enough to keep me interested.
Had this released two months ago this might've saved my interest
the first season rewards should've given us a rare emote too

I think if they don't get a Steam release by end of year this game will remain at this player count and it'll only be the autists on the merry-go-round of repetitive unexciting "dungeon-diving".
>module/mob randomization
this could be a nice band-aid that could potentially make it a little more interesting so that every* game would be different.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1277841 && dateTime=='05/04/24(Sat)22:36:54'  && image=='it's time to go, little one.webm') {

'it's over';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1277849 && dateTime=='05/04/24(Sat)22:41:53'  && image=='1712764997731525.jpg') {

'I haven't played in forever, is there anyone on US west playing? I'd like to try and play this game a lot more.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1277970 && dateTime=='05/05/24(Sun)02:39:20'  && image=='1707000008923492.png') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1277971 && dateTime=='05/05/24(Sun)02:40:39') {

>a lot more
I'd wait a week until they remove multiclassing which is a clusterfuck rn.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1278680 && dateTime=='05/05/24(Sun)15:54:25') {

The game needs a major overhaul and years of development and then a push back to Steam to gain relevancy again. Of they have a 30% finished class ready after 9 months of dev time combined with store assets it feels like they have 3 employees'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1278916 && dateTime=='05/05/24(Sun)20:38:11') {

Kinda sad that given they admited its being removed they didnt go full fuck it and made it so everyone just instantly gets every class max tokens for max fuckery.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1278933 && dateTime=='05/05/24(Sun)20:52:12') {

They somehow need the steam release first, the boost in sales would give them the funds to hire more people. But they also have a complex of being release-ready and know if they were to go on steam prematurely it could hurt them.

I don't think I'm ever going to play again, I might check to see when they release season rewards. I already left the official server'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1278939 && dateTime=='05/05/24(Sun)21:01:51') {

Yeah they are masters at missing opportunities like that. Part of why the games potential is squandered, they can't implement quick and dirty fun things to test despite being in EA AND having a test server.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1280437 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)07:52:56') {

game is sill populated during prime time in each region (except maybe dead regions like brazil or OCE), anywhere from 6k to 12k total people online throughout the day

>so now the game is an arcade fantasy combat battle royale, Instead of a hardcore class based dungeon looter extraction game.
you must be very dumb to not realize it's the mix of these genres that brought the game success in the first place'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1280617 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)10:56:03'  && image=='yikes.png') {

'the numbers speak for themselves
this season was a massive failure, I wouldn't be surprised if we see significantly less players next season'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1280726 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)11:49:33') {

>this season was a massive failure
true, I get they're trying to test things but the late release of map rotations heavily chipped at my interest until I uninstalled completely. I can't really think of any reason why I'd come back except for season rewards'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1281524 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)23:20:12') {

'I betrayed the trust of an innocent rogue
I snapped
one second we were joking around and the next I was looting his body
his neck just looked too juicy to my blade
I just had to sever his head from his body
and send jets of red water out of his bloody stump
I've lost all my humanity'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1281528 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)23:24:19') {

'What is the Tavern shit the game is trying to make me install? I am not giving chinks some kernell access anti cheat shit';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1282062 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)12:41:10') {

'It wouldn't be dark and darker if you weren't sitting around, unable to play the game because you are waiting on a patch.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1282616 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)19:56:10') {

'I love Shadow touch so much. It works so well in naked runs.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1283741 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)20:44:23') {

'Back to 0 build variety gameplay
now with even less build variety with smite and BOC nerfed'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1284973 && dateTime=='05/10/24(Fri)21:14:41'  && image=='1496040754955.png') {

>it is definitely here to stay'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1284975 && dateTime=='05/10/24(Fri)21:18:46'  && image=='lol.png') { }

if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1286008 && dateTime=='05/11/24(Sat)17:30:19'  && image=='file.jpg') {

'There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone, in fact I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape, but even after admitting this there is no catharsis, my punishment continues to elude me and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself; no new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1286018 && dateTime=='05/11/24(Sat)17:45:14') {

I quit at Exemplar. Even when they're an indie company Koreans are only good at making skinner boxes, so I decided to do something better with my time and uninstalled.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1287565 && dateTime=='05/12/24(Sun)21:33:50'  && image=='Playercount on a Sunday afternoon.png') {

this is maybe my third game since the release of multiclass, ever since they implemented that and lacked map rotations I was able to drastically reduce play time by like 98%.

Its over'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1287597 && dateTime=='05/12/24(Sun)22:09:51') {

wow that playercount is really bad
this game is not going to survive until August (Epic Games Store release date)'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1287762 && dateTime=='05/13/24(Mon)01:29:11') {

I promised myself I would never play an epic store really is ogre'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1288821 && dateTime=='05/14/24(Tue)03:37:49') {

'dead game';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1289325 && dateTime=='05/14/24(Tue)15:37:59') {

'>release a feature you spent 0 amount of time or effort on
>everyone hates it
>game fucking dies
>devs panic and revert it instead of adjusting it properly
>replace it with nothing'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1289349 && dateTime=='05/14/24(Tue)16:01:11') {

game has been in maintenance mode and steadily declining since last year
this is nothing new'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1289366 && dateTime=='05/14/24(Tue)16:14:44'  && image=='1000005440.jpg') {

that's not what happened'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1289408 && dateTime=='05/14/24(Tue)16:46:07') {

'So not only did it take them several months overdue to release Druid...
but the class isn't even fucking finished...
AND it's paywalled behind the SuperSlop CuckBucks EL1T3 D1CK5W0RD Premium Edition™.

Jesus fucking Christ.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1289537 && dateTime=='05/14/24(Tue)18:37:29') {

'Wish they would do an overhaul on the combat. It's completely brain dead whoever swings faster and harder wins instead of actually requiring skill';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1289552 && dateTime=='05/14/24(Tue)18:52:59') {

What did you think test access was when you decided it wasn't worth getting? Did you think that test access would be given to the accounts that didn't choose test access?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1289579 && dateTime=='05/14/24(Tue)19:15:49') {

most intelligent DnD shill'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1289595 && dateTime=='05/14/24(Tue)19:30:34') {

'I'm not making another thread. Say your goodbyes.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1289610 && dateTime=='05/14/24(Tue)19:48:20'  && image=='1703545034438431.png') { }

if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1289625 && dateTime=='05/14/24(Tue)20:00:23'  && image=='5473838358u.jpg') {

not an argument, just admit you're retarded'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1289659 && dateTime=='05/14/24(Tue)20:34:16') {

'the game turned to dog anus the moment they introduced solos/multiple maps, but got progressively worse as they added things like AP and free HR and other gay baby shit. you are all truly retarded for continuing to play it. take me back to alpha 5 where everyone got dumped into the same mode and had to dealwithit. simplicity and chaos > gay faggot treadmill meta horsecock discord-monster features for babies.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1289802 && dateTime=='05/14/24(Tue)23:12:42') {

'The AP system was a mistake';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1290584 && dateTime=='05/15/24(Wed)16:19:55') {


holy shit fuck this gay ass game like actually fuck this game into a grave'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1293107 && dateTime=='05/18/24(Sat)03:08:58') {

>He didn't already know there was a leaver penalty
So then the people crying about the game actually just don't play it, understood. This has been my suspicion for a while as there were people(probably you) complaining about ruins non-stop. This thread and their discord are the exact same thing (:'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==1293978 && dateTime=='05/18/24(Sat)19:23:54') {

'God damn it I love to hate this game now. It used to be the object of my desire and now it's shiiiiit. >:^)';

