import 4.code.about;

class Header {

public void title() {

String fullTitle = '/xs/';

public void menu();

public void board();

public void goToBottom();

class Thread extends Board {
public void undefined(OP Anonymous) {

String fullTitle = 'undefined';
int postNumber = 190474;
String image = '1710349360712189.jpg';
String date = '03/13/24(Wed)13:02:40';
String comment = 'all joking aside, would a death-match wrestler actually be good in a "real fight" \NHB vale tudo fight against an "actual" martial artist?
They regularly get burned by fire, thrown against concrete or barbed wire, hit with various blunt items, sometimes even cut, and a whole lot of torture physical attacks yet keep going. Most of them are reasonable fit and athletic, even if very unhealthy.
if a real fight is about taking hits , withstanding pain and being nasty when damaging your opponent; this guys must be good, right?
>at least in japan, they also actually train judo, grappling, K-1 and gruesome daily drills. so there's that'

public void comments() {
if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==190477 && dateTime=='03/13/24(Wed)13:33:31') {

'oh my god WHO FUCKING CARES';

