import 4.code.about;

class Header {

public void title() {

String fullTitle = '/xs/';

public void menu();

public void board();

public void goToBottom();

class Thread extends Board {
public void undefined(OP Anonymous) {

String fullTitle = 'undefined';
int postNumber = 191447;
String image = '1711218763186773.webm';
String date = '03/23/24(Sat)14:32:43';
String comment = 'What is your boxing style and stance? Why did you choose them?';

public void comments() {
if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==191448 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)14:34:25'  && image=='strengthNconditioning.png') {

'Mucho texto I know but thots on this?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==191457 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)14:54:39') {

is this meant to be a bait thread because he's so freakishly frail and spindly despite clearly training?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==191459 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)15:03:45') {

No, not really.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==191463 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)15:57:10') {

well according to that image where you're born determines your boxing style'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==191464 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)16:06:39') {

What is your boxing style and stance?
>Why did you choose them?
I like kicking people'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==191492 && dateTime=='03/23/24(Sat)22:09:12') {

Philly shell, because I'm stupid and i like getting hit in the head'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==191568 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)10:55:49'  && image=='result(1).png') {

Peekaboo but adapted to kicks with karate/muay thai footing'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==191569 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)10:57:02'  && image=='makesweet-ci87ml.gif') { }

if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==191590 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)14:08:51') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==191616 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)16:19:12') {

Mexico and muay thai
Want to add a bit of russian for the jabs'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==191660 && dateTime=='03/24/24(Sun)19:05:09') {

Kino fighter but what bothers me is that a proper power lunge-jab would have fucked him. You just can't do boxing with your arms down.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==191901 && dateTime=='03/26/24(Tue)18:41:21') {

Mexico bcus I’m small, bulky and hit hard'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==191907 && dateTime=='03/26/24(Tue)19:17:12') {

My lifestyle determines my death style'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==192044 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)19:59:45') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==192046 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)20:45:16') {

He probably doesn't box a lot.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==192049 && dateTime=='03/27/24(Wed)20:51:28') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==192080 && dateTime=='03/28/24(Thu)05:41:33') {

i dont looks like none of these'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==194919 && dateTime=='04/21/24(Sun)00:35:51') { }
