import 4.code.about;

class Header {

public void title() {

String fullTitle = '/fit/';

public void menu();

public void board();

public void goToBottom();

class Thread extends Board {
public void Declining Modern Health: Young People Walking Sticks(OP Anonymous) {

String fullTitle = 'Declining Modern Health: Young People Walking Sticks';
int postNumber = 74216063;
String image = '1715080870469223.jpg';
String date = '05/07/24(Tue)07:21:10';
String comment = 'I have observed a sharp uptake in young people using walking canes/sticks, as of late.
So far they have been all women, or transmen(women). What is causing this decline in physical health?

I saw groups of 'quirky' girls using walking-canes, then I met two transmen using them, then saw a couple on the streets using them, and met a girl who had 'pulled a ligament' using one, who was also a huge leftist-quirky type.
The one's who spoke about it all said it's a good thing, regardless whether it's needed or not because it brings representation.
Thoughts; is physical health declining, or is it a new fashion trend?'

public void comments() {
if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216066 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)07:22:26') {

'its fashion bro';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216092 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)07:28:02') {

Attention seeking. They live in a culture that rewards and champions weakness, so even the fit ones adopt the ornamentation of the invalids. Same as young middle class white girl from minnesota saying yall and deadass.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216100 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)07:28:57') {

are you retarded? they don't actually need them they just use them for attention'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216101 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)07:29:21') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216171 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)07:46:00') {

Exacerbated by culture and even formal education making kids feel guilty for being white. They can't act alpha or they feel like oppressors.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216203 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)07:53:39') {

I said this, but they kept saying that I can't be sure, and it's just 'more acceptable now' for people to use canes, whereas before it was frowned upon, she I was unaware of.
Idk man, I argued that point but they kept saying that in the past, a-typical people experienced albeism and it's with the help of the lgbtqa++ community, that they have championed their freedom to use them freely.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216235 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)08:00:40') {

Where did you meet these "people"? In mental asylums?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216241 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)08:02:14') {

no one in that pic actually needs them, its an attention thing. I guarantee they all claim to have some variant of ehlers danlos syndrome too. a crippling disease with no obvious external symptoms, it's the perfect thing for munchies and attention seekers.

like how having tourettes was all the rage a few years ago. women are so fucking retarded it's unreal. they really are just children incapable of individual thought.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216261 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)08:06:34') {

>believing what they say at face value
All that is entirely consistent with the attention seeking answer. If anything it's confirmation of it.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216313 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)08:15:12') {

'Looks like tiktok product pushing to me and normies posing as retarded cripples for oppression points.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216390 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)08:31:04') {

Just through my gay family member who has lots of quirky trans, queer, non-binary friends.
I think some said something like that, or fibromyalgia and some other chronic pain illnesses.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216415 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)08:37:17') {

This is the first I'm hearing of this. What pozzed liberal hive do you live in'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216528 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)08:58:54'  && image=='1713480331135478.jpg') {

I saw a cane girl at my uni riding a bike (no training wheels) How is this possible? What would prevent her from walking that wouldn't prevent her from riding a bike?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216533 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)09:00:10') {

bro there is a tennis ball on your head'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216544 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)09:02:11') {

I didn't realize they were that popular, I have to get one.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216559 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)09:04:47') {

>They live in a culture that rewards and champions weakness
Funny thing is, as a /fit/ leftist all the women around me that 'champion weakness' want my cock. I've banged a few and they are obsessed with my arms and pecs and abs. The skinnyfat male feminists cannot compete.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216570 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)09:07:04') {

Well put.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216588 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)09:09:57') {

>as a /fit/ leftist
why, you know you're better than those people, your entire post shows you know it
>male feminists cannot compete
yeah that's been about what I've seen, the "most racist man alive" meme exists for a reason, I've never known a male feminist who didn't get cheated on at least once'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74216938 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)10:03:23') {

By leftist I don't mean green hair and ID politics. I mean that I hate the state, the worship of commodities and destroying the planet in the name of greed. These pseudo-leftists who defend corporations etc. are not who I am - they are the type of people I cuck on the regular.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74217025 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)10:15:39') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74217044 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)10:17:52') {

It's part of their costume for disability benefits fraud'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74217099 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)10:24:52'  && image=='chad.png') {

they use canes because they're weak
I use a cane because it's an easy to carry weapon
we are not the same'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74217190 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)10:35:07') {

My 21yo sister had a pacemaker put in at 19, and “has crippling PCOS that’s rendered her infertile”. My 19yo sister is consulting for knee surgery. Her twin sister lifted a 30lbs box and sprained her back, then fell and broke her wrist. They and my oldest sister all have Lymes disease, the one with a fucked up knee has celiacs disease.
I have none of these issues at all, my brothers gave none of these issues at all. My dad still runs 12mi a day every morning.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74217224 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)10:38:34'  && image=='IMG_7738.jpg') { }

if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74217244 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)10:40:14') {

these are all women with danger hair. its a larp'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74217347 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)10:52:00') {

>3 sisters
>brothers (plural)
How large is your family??'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74217454 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)11:03:41') {

>leftists are hypocrites
Woah no way'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74217469 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)11:05:35') {

4 sisters. 2 brothers.
All 4 sisters have lymes disease
1 has a fucked up knee and celiacs disease
1 has an extremely weak heart and ruined reproductive system
1 breaks bones and sprains muscle under the smallest effort
The oldest spent a lot of our childhood in and out of the ER for various broken bones and severe lymes disease.

If it makes you feel better I only have 2 cousins and 2 nieces and a nephew'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74217706 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)11:37:14') {

The UK, I saw it across a few cities but mainly university cities and Brighton, the student city and gay capital of the UK.
I think it's an autism-stick, a way to identify with and display disability if your 'disability' isn't obvious, such as autism. I am also convinced they just use it as a statement thing too.
This makes me feel queezy. I have a phobia to extreme frailty and weakness.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74217775 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)11:47:44') {

>I think it's an autism-stick, a way to identify with and display disability if your 'disability' isn't obvious, such as autism. I am also convinced they just use it as a statement thing too.
This sounds very likely'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74217991 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)12:14:24') {

Is lymes disease the one you get from ticks?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74218022 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)12:17:47'  && image=='IMG_0150.jpg') {

Because even though you might be a leftist, you prove through your fizeek that you have a low time preference, pain tolerance and discipline. This is something that modern leftist reject, and yet still find attractive'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74218041 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)12:20:33') {

'As a fashion statement you can only get away with a walking stick if you're a retired Belgian police inspector.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74218065 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)12:22:52') {

Which is why it's shaped like a question mark, whoa'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74218084 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)12:25:46'  && image=='4877e019a0ad0bb51a4b9d8148ec0d00.jpg') {

'>he isn't monopolymaxxing


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74218103 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)12:28:06') { }

if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74218421 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)13:15:50') {

Based and Poirot-pilled.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74218598 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)13:40:09') {

Probably for self defense?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74218655 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)13:47:43'  && image=='emontionalshock.png') {

Thanks, faggot. That fucking pic.
Now I'm gonna have nightmares tonight.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74218782 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)14:04:58') {

> They live in a culture that rewards and champions weakness, so even the fit ones adopt the ornamentation of the invalids.



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74218897 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)14:21:51') {

which ones are vegan?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74219239 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)15:08:11') {

None. Although 2 of the 4 spent most of their lives not eating anything with gluten, one recently discovered she could eat gluten but now has a dairy sensitivity so dairy is out.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74219276 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)15:12:12') {

My mom forced me to eat gluten free for a while as a kid because she was convinced it would fix my autism. It boggles my mind people willingly follow that diet. The thing is gluten free bread and cookies and such have zero internal cohesion. It's like chewing sand.'


if(SwedishBrorsan && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74219479 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)15:39:09') {

could be deteriorating bonemass density

men just simply need high testosterone for good overall health both physically and mentally.

give it 2-3 generations passing off excessively weak DNA and youve created the perfect leftist slave race.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74219567 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)15:50:03') {

Mirin the girl on the rights manga library'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74219763 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)16:16:49') {

That’s hilarious and sad. I’m sorry you had to live like that.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74219810 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)16:22:06'  && image=='IMG_8773.jpg') {

Self defense and obesity'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74219827 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)16:25:09') {

people using canes without needing it was a big thing in the past for wealthy people and aristocracy. its just coming back i think'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74220711 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)18:42:50') {

As long as I get to carry a sword stick, that's fine by me'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74220930 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)19:11:00') {

'Bros, I saw something awful today.
>RIZZ dating app by the people behind bumble
>Your dms are public
>Strangers vote on it
>It's an unholy union of tinder and twitter

This is the most efficient machine of salt & sociopathy i've ever had the misfortune of encountering. I cannot think of any combination that could feasibly produce more diarrhea'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74221111 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)19:46:14') {

'Maybe they carry it for use as an improvised weapon if the situation requires it?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74221198 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)20:04:50') {

'I typically suspect that people who have tattoos, piercings, coloured hair and a cane are usually doing it for attention. Rather than being fat and ghoulish you can appear to be disabled which is cooler in their minds';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74221266 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)20:18:58') {

Why do younger zoomers look 42? It's not as bad with older zoomers even. I thought it was just bogged zoomettes but it's not.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74221335 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)20:30:12') {

I really enjoyed the show House as a teen. I would have tried this for a lul.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74221576 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)21:19:23') {

checked ive noticed this too. its very offputting and its also weird ryo be almost 40 and have no desire to fuck most college aged girls lol'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74221651 && dateTime=='05/07/24(Tue)21:32:00') {

I'm sorry anon. I have a wheat allergy but I hate gluten free stuff. It's all fucking terrible and it's even worse trying to make substitutes yourself. I gave up, and frankly, I'm happier and healthier for it. Just sticking with actual food. Why the fuck would I pay $8 for a shitty loaf of bread that doesn't even taste good when I could get myself a nice steak or literally anything else?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74222718 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)01:10:32') {

Damn that actually sounds worthwhile in a chaotic and insane kind of way.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74222999 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)02:26:27') {

Idk if soys are breeding, it's mostly religious people and chads/tyrones sewing their seed.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74223009 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)02:28:56') {

Anecdotally, but I was talking to a girl at a house party that in hindsight was always sticking close to a female friend of mine. Turns out homegirl was 17, bitch looked 28. It completely threw me off that I got hit with vertigo.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74223016 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)02:31:13') {

Walking sticks are just neat
If I could get away with it I'd be walking around with a fuckin staff everywhere'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74223065 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)02:52:06') {

It's the Fedora of the zoomers.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74223067 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)02:52:57') {

'Would be a good idea for hiking/walking in areas that have a lot of dogs. Especially with pit bulls becoming such an issue.';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74223216 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)03:52:43'  && image=='rizz.png') {


Found it'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74223258 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)04:09:08') {

she is uncoordinated while on one foot, even briefly.
It could be hip issues. There's a chance it may be brain issues, but the fact that she can balance on a bike shows that it likely isn't, although still possible, like I said, balancing on one leg, even briefly.
Biking is also low impact, so perhaps she has a knee problem'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74223269 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)04:16:19') {

what the fuck kind of marketing is this? please be more subtle'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74224593 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)10:08:46') {

>By leftist I don't mean green hair and ID politics
Oh good, the statist second/third worldist strain of leftism.
>I mean that I hate the state
Oh no it's retarded.
The state is the only thing that's gonna stop the shit you don't like from happening. The worker coops/syndicates are copium that are functionally not much different from a state either way. You're gonna be called a red fascist for what you believe in anyway, you might as well just embrace it, that's what the right wing did when they wanted to be seen as libertarian but kept getting called nazis.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74224616 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)10:13:14') {

'>Not using a dress sword


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74225705 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)12:58:51') {

This. They have just watched Frieren and decided it's cool to have a stick with you...'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74227010 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)16:08:09') {

Probably climate change, it definitely has nothing to do with the experimental gene therapy forced on them by their parents and schools.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74227267 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)16:49:41') {

I make gluten-free pizza and it is the best pizza I have ever had, by miles. I use starch (arrowroot or tapioca) in it, but other than that it is entirely animal-based'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74227275 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)16:50:42') {

Winter vagina.


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74227598 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)17:51:18'  && image=='61WFopo3deL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_~2.jpg') {

Why does half of /fit/ worship a drug addicted faggot loser who blew his own brains out? The USSR was also trad and idolized fitness, but Stalin was way more fit and handsome than Hitler and he actually led his country to victory.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74228050 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)19:06:44') {

That was photo-edited to remove his acne scars and such.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74228066 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)19:08:31') {

poor people have always used canes. go somewhere with some black people some time, you will see a bunch of them using them.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74228081 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)19:10:17') {

What, why? These aren't poor people either, it's middleclass white women.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74228103 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)19:12:35') {

I'd like to get into bo staff training and gradually work my way up to a tungsten staff.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74228142 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)19:17:05') {

He looks like a nigger when he's young.
I prefer old stalin.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74228292 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)19:42:21') {

Bro that doesn't fucking matter. If they lived in 2024, Hitler would be an incel and Stalin would be Chad. Says A LOT that 4chan fags relate more to Hitler than Stalin.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74228614 && dateTime=='05/08/24(Wed)20:39:29') {

Because half of /fit/ are /pol/ fags who think shitposting counts as lifting. Nazism is for faggots and losers'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74229918 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)01:00:59') {

they would both be incels, the chad you're thinking of would be max stirner.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74229922 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)01:02:07') {

Reality is a spook.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230245 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)02:23:00'  && image=='1557692907129-1715235766427.jpg') {

'> turning a walking stick into social media clout';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230279 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)02:29:26') {

Why is it always women?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230700 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)04:11:39') {

cane is useful against pedo wypepo'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230796 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)04:31:12') {

why do they all look like dildos? i only ever needed a cane when i broke my foot, if i wanted to walk around and look dapper id carry a scepter or something. and if i ever have to use a cane again im gonna get a badass one carved like a dragon.

i actually have a cane passed down from my great granfather that was handcarved, it has snakes twisting up the sides of it'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230810 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)04:36:31') {

based as fuck, i looked into buying a 5ft titanium rod from a metal stock supplier. i think it was like 80-140 bucks so not that crazy expensive. the weight specified was way higher than i expected though, almost as much as steel which was weird i had always thought titanium was light as shit and strong as shit'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230835 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)04:47:00') {

the way the people in your pic look should be the biggest indicator. professional victims whos entire personality is centered around how many things are wrong with them. the reality is most of the things wrong with them are self inflicted but doctors will only ever treat those made up things instead of the causes, like mental illness, poor diet, poor parenting, etc.

the first world enables this lifestyle because of how content they actually are. these types would be the closest thing to a femcel you could identify. without actually being celibate because as fucked as they're health actually is they are absolute sluts because they don't know how else to get anyone close to them since their natural being of professional victim is a natural deterrent'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230895 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)05:00:17') {

Looking at a couple websites now and I'm surprised too.
Titanium, 6' rod, 1“ diameter, is about 10lbs
An equivalent steel rod is only coming out to 16lbs
I've never worked with it before but I also expected Ti to be much lighter. I do know that it's way more flexible, so it won't bend out of shape as easily.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230930 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)05:09:40') {

'the virgin single purple cane vs the chad double black diamond hiking poles';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230932 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)05:10:39') {

i guess it would be good to start with aluminum and work your way up through the different alloys of metal.

maybe like aluminum>titanium>steel>??? im not sure what you would go to from there, maybe bronze or tungsten like you said lol'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230946 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)05:15:37'  && image=='jMHZQIO.jpg') {

'The "woman" at the bottom is an absolute specamine. What do you call this phenotype?';


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230952 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)05:17:24') {

Punished Quirk Chungus'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230956 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)05:18:55') {

Steel tube filled with lead would be a good midway point.
A 6' x1" tungsten rod would weigh nearly 40lbs.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230969 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)05:22:20'  && image=='Victorian-Walking-Canes-300x300.jpg') {

'why did people use them before? the impression i get was young-ish people did it back in the day, right?
was it just that medicine was so shit that if you broke a leg you were probably fucked for life?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230980 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)05:25:12') {

How do they eat? I've known quite a few women (especially left wing types) and they all eat plant-based and have a huge list of health problems. Worst of all, because all their friends are sick too they think it's normal and you're a fascist if you try to normalise health.

In the case of these women it's obvious that the stick functions as political group signalling, like the nose-rings and dyed hair.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74230981 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)05:25:19') {



if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74231003 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)05:32:05') {

Lots of factors for middle/upper class types in victorian era london.
Roads and footpaths were made of cobblestone, which meant the weren't uniform underfoot. Balance was far more important if you didn't want a sprained ankle.
People generally had worse nutrition back then which can lead to joint problems in 30+ year olds.
Horses were the main mode of transport and a thin walking cane doubles as a riding crop to spur the horse.
Having a stick on hand is a good way to shoo off incompetent muggers/beggars.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74231044 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)05:48:38'  && image=='1683697245172634.jpg') {

One of my close friends wives has funky joints and needs a cane. You can tell she tries to walk without it as much as possible. Kinda chubby because she can't exercise but dude she is so beautiful and kind.
Other than that I think a lot of these alt bitches are just faking for attention or have become self deluded.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74232122 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)09:56:58') {

I had made cauliflower pizza bases from scratch successfully, but it was ridiculous how much time it took to make and then how long I would have to cook it so it stayed stable. It was so annoying that I just buy cauliflower bases and customize if I'm doing pizza now. Pizza is a whole ass mess in my house though, it's a rare treat because I have to do gluten free for me, dairy free for the older kids and regular for the younger ones. Why the fuck couldn't we have at least had the same allergies instead of opposite ones T_T

Can you post your recipe though? I'm curious to see, maybe I have enough time to try it. Is it a cheese base?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74232152 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)10:03:29') {

Is this the next retarded woman trend after those Stanley cups? I saw a few of those appear in the gym over the last 6 months, eagerly awaiting seeing these mongs next.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74232309 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)10:33:12') {

unironically 99% of the substances you will come in contact with in your daily life are poisonous or cause a degradation in health
I'm not saying that it's not at least partially for social media clout or the joy of being "unique" in public or telling someone "ACKSHUALLY" if they ask why you have it
but I work in med device regulation and some of the shit I see in relatively innocuous devices is hair-whitening. Like 2nd and 3rd gen med device materials sheets have 40-page long warnings and potential adverse event sheets

and that got me thinking, if we've got a part of the device that's polylactate, and it's been identified as a sensitizer plus 35+ other potential adverse events, in an industry that's HIGHLY regulated, what is happening in unregulated industries that only rely on surveillance rather than proactive safety measures?
Like BHT, TBHQ, KBr, BHA, BVO, preservatives, colorants, flavorings, aspartame, all of that shit is in EVERYTHING now. All of these people read like at least half of their diet is goyslop. Even if they're not fat, I'm sure it is
>chronic fatigue syndrome
>joint issues
who is to say most of this shit isn't 80% related to the CONSTANT consumption of poison? I'm on a cut now and I dropped everything but eggs, rice, beef, mushrooms, and herbs/salt/pepper from my diet and I've been astoundingly productive at work and pain-free.

Yeah, it's cringe but I think it's a symptom of something much worse and more dangerous in society than "attention seeking."
I think most americans are consuming the equivalent of that chinese dog food that was causing aggressive cancers, and no one is sounding the alarm.
The vaxx should have been a warning. If the vax is as dangerous and shitty as it is, just imagine what they're doing to your FOOD to save a buck'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74232328 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)10:35:58') {

>They live in a culture that rewards and champions weakness, so even the fit ones adopt the ornamentation of the invalids.
2024 in a nutshell'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74232336 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)10:36:42') {

this but also it's like a watch, it's a way to be ostentatious
it's also potentially a weapon, like a shillelagh, especially since by that time carrying personal swords was no longer in vogue/illegal'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74232351 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)10:38:39') {

Amalek-Hebrew/Homo sapiens hybrid
welcome to the real life cloaca gentium'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74233020 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)12:18:00') {

What symptoms do you have?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74233040 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)12:21:05') {

Stalin was meh at best and had a crippled left arm. Furthermore he is just not a very interesting character, just a stone cold beurocrat.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74233230 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)12:52:24') {

Because of fucking polio. 1/4 adults had fucking bent legs.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74233260 && dateTime=='05/09/24(Thu)12:57:32') {

Why were they all covered in ticks?'

