import 4.code.about;

class Header {

public void title() {

String fullTitle = '/fit/';

public void menu();

public void board();

public void goToBottom();

class Thread extends Board {
public void /TMG/ - Texas Method General(OP Anonymous) {

String fullTitle = '/TMG/ - Texas Method General';
int postNumber = 74112311;
String image = '1713855592593042.png';
String date = '04/23/24(Tue)02:59:52';
String comment = 'ITT: we discuss the texas methods pros and cons
>becous im trying to find a consenssus if its the next program to run or not'

public void comments() {
if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74112611 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)04:24:28') {

Ok champ, discuss. You made the thread now get it started'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74112635 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)04:29:46') {

Any program that relies entirely on aggressive weight gain isn't a very good one (besides for skinny novices). Mark Rippetoe is a clown.

There are so much better intermediate programs'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74112736 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)04:53:26') {

any recommendation?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74112742 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)04:55:03') {

it seems good to me as every intermidiate program seems to be the same (intensity day and a volume day) the thing that worries me is the 5x5 on volume is it really good or just a gimmick thing as x5 is a marketing ploy used by ripplestiltskin'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74112751 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)04:57:41') {

Juggernaut method 2.0 or Greg Nuckol's Average to savage. Both are pretty high volume, my bench won't improve on low volume stuff like texas method.'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74112856 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)05:25:58') {

are they in the /plg/ paste bin?'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74113290 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)07:31:12') {

I take it you're at the point where you're plateauing on LP
You can find lots of people who did texas method with decent results, but also people who found it didn't work for them
If you want to customise your program a bit (which you should, it's part of becoming intermediate) I suggest you put together an HLM with the lifts you want
Imho a novice should do a few lifts, for a few sets of a few reps, but an intermediate should expand
>more diverse lifts
>different set/rep schemes
So let's say your novice lifts were squat, bench press, chinup, deadlift, and you hit the ceiling and need to go to an intermediate program. HLM lets you add a few lifts and change things up easily
If you still wanted to push your bench, you could work up to a top triple on H day, then do say 5x5-6 on your M day, then do dumbbell bench and/or incline on your L day for higher reps
Or you could keep 3x5 on your H day, and do paused reps at a lower weight on M day
Same goes for the other lifts, you have the option to switch up sets&reps, or add new similar lifts to help bring up your weaknesses, and while you play with this and change things around you expand your exercise menu and learn what you like and what works for you

Read Practical Programming for Strength Training, or The Strongest Shall Survive, or articles by Andy Baker'


if(Anonymous && title=='undefined' && postNumber==74113339 && dateTime=='04/23/24(Tue)07:44:08') {

'4 day split version of the texas method is better, I'd read Justin Lascek's Texas method books for a better version than Rip provides. It took me from about 405 squat, 300 bench, and 515 deadlift to 500/365/575.';

